Episode 32

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Episode 32

Trixie found herself lingering in the maximum-security section of the storehouse. She knew she should have abandoned it minutes ago, since even now she could see the flicker of the guards' lanterns near their posts around its center. Nonetheless, something inside her wouldn't let her leave. The doors, impenetrable as they seemed to be, each held items that would without a doubt be worth the risk and effort if she were to obtain one. What's more, she couldn't shake the feeling that the still more valuable prize would be information. Kintalla, the Overseer's Heartcore counterpart, was among the most elusive and mysterious figures in The Between. What was she doing in what was ostensibly an archive and secure storage place? What business did this mystical and political powerhouse have in a vault?

The succubus crept closer, following a parallel aisle, and tried to absorb any information she could. There was precious little to be had. The procession continued toward the most thoroughly secured chamber in the most thoroughly secured section of the most thoroughly secured building in the kingdom. The door of the chamber was twice the width of the other nearby doors. Massive stone counterweights hung from chains leading to a mechanism set into the ceiling, and sixteen locks lined the door's edge like rivets. Its whole surface was completely covered in what looked to be a single fantastically complex enchantment. The chamber itself was separated from the rest, with perhaps fifty yards of empty space surrounding walls that curved into a perfect circle ten yards across.

Trixie angled herself, hidden in the shadows, in a position to watch as Kintalla assessed the door. One of the ruler's hands went to her amulet, the other rose toward the door with spread fingers. She uttered a quiet incantation. Trixie raised an eyebrow. One by one, keys of shimmering light wafted into being. When sixteen hung in the air, one for each lock, Kintalla willed them forward and turned them in unison. Light bled from the locks into the runes of the enchantment, spiraling inward until the door was a galaxy of piercing, illuminated emblems.

Kintalla turned to the nearest of her entourage. "This session is likely to be one of considerable duration. The Overseer of Shard has become bold of late. It may be simple coincidence, but if he has come into possession of some tool or recruit that might offer him some new advantage, we must make ourselves ready. Take up your usual positions and seal the outer doors. I shall alert you personally when I am ready."

The guards nodded in unison, then each turned toward one of the aisles leading outward from the center. Since one of those aisles contained Trixie, she decided now was most likely the proper time to take her leave. She pivoted on one hoof, offering a glance over her shoulder to make sure she'd not been seen, and stepped forward...

...only to run face-first into something firm and rubbery.

She stumbled back and looked up to find Rill coiled before her, all three sets of eyes glaring down. Philo perched atop the center neck. The Rills opened their mouths, their expressions suggesting their words would be harsh, but Trixie waved her hands desperately and pointed to the approaching guard. From his angle he might not have seen Rill yet, but in a few more steps he would, which left no time for retreat.

Left-Rill peered aside, then snapped back. "There's someone coming," she whispered.

"Back, back," Trixie hissed. "Back into the alcove there."

"What's an alcove?" Right-Rill asked quietly.

"There! Duck in there," Trixie said. "And camouflage!"

"What's camoufl—"

"Just get in front of us and hide," Philo said, hopping down and pressing himself into one of the tall doorways.

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