Chapter 5: Awaken

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"Asshole." I muttered then started walking away from the restaurant. Well, what could I do now?I had nowhere to go: My shop's destroyed, Drake is being carried off by Astarot, my shop's destroyed-CRASH!

The ground trembled underneath me. After stumbling forward and regaining my balance, I looked behind me. The restaurant was in desperate need of repairs-more so than ever now.

Looking over the lip of the crater, I spotted Drake. A very bloody, human, and dead looking Drake, that is. The only article of clothing he had on was what remained of his sweats. Not even the stretchy fabric had survived Drake's weirdness: Like his jeans from before, the sweats were shredded from his thighs. That's all that was left of them. Now all that he needed was to be spray painted green and to go on steroids. Without much thought as to what I was doing, I placed the soles of my boots on the sloping side of the crater. Letting my body slide down, I made my way to the bottom without much resistance and then went to Drake's side.

"Drake?" I gently prodded his shoulder. No response; he was out cold. Instead of trying to lift him like I had when he'd fallen off of Cherry Monster, I gingerly sat down by his side. With any luck, he'd wake up soon.

"Hey! You guys okay down there?" A voice called. Looking up, I saw four figures standing around the large dent in the earth.

"Yeah, we're good." I called back. "My friend here is out cold though." Friend? Had I really just said that?

"Your friend?" A second later, he exclaimed in joy, "Hey! That's the cool dragon hero dude!" Wasting no time, the four of them slid down to the crater's base. Taking quick notice, I realized that they were all guys.

"We'll help you out!" The smallest figure grinned before all of them crowded around Drake. I stepped out of their way. "One. Two. Three!" Together, they tried to hoist him up.

Drake didn't budge. Shocker there. I mentally sighed.

"Man, how much does this guy weigh?" The largest huffed and was about to try again.

Drake, however, had other plans. "About three tons." His eyes opened and took everything in with slitted pupils.

"Whoah, freaky dude." The one that had first responded to me chuckled. All four of them took a few steps back. Doing the exact opposite, I strode back to Drake's side.

"Seems to come naturally to me now."

"Can you stand up?" Inquired the midget. Okay, he's not really a midget-he was an inch smaller than me-, but I was annoyed that he had taken one of my questions.

"I wish." came Drake's sigh, "I can't move at all."

"You want anything?" I inquired. The guy did just go through fighting Xi and all. "Those wounds look pretty ugly, by the way."

"Food." His lips quirked up.

"Really?" I scowled. "That won't do anything for you."

"I still want it. You asked if I wanted something, and that's what I want."

"Alright, alright already. Don't get your scales in a bunch." I huffed and got up.

"And if you wouldn't mind, I'd like a bandage and perhaps something to soothe the pain." He added to my retreating figure.

"I'll go with you." Jogging over, the man that had spotted us in the first place came to my side.

"We'll stay with the kick ass dragon dude." A third member to his party informed us.

"Or you could pray to God that the dragon gets back to his feet." Came Drake's input.

"Egotistical much?" I snorted while assessing the crater's wall. It was smooth when something, like my boots, slid down it. Going up, however, it was a blockade filled with needles just waiting to tear open some flesh. My flesh. Genlty prodding at the wall with my fingers, I tried to find any sort of handhold. "Ow!" Sucking in air, I snapped my hands to my chest. "I hope you remember what I'm about to go through." I called to Drake while examining the growing ruby spots on my fingers.

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