Tony Stark- Sorry

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[I am very tired so excuse the mistakes.]

Tony has his flaws, you admit. Very, very, very many flaws.

Like when he stays up till the early hours in the morning, eyes drooping and shoulders slumping, and you force him to go to bed before he passes out. Or he actually does pass out, his face smashing into his latest snack or bed of bolts.

And when he's sometimes so incredibly childish and annoying, you wonder how you had gotten yourself into this relationship.

But then he apologizes. Always finds a way no matter what.

"I am so very sorry.. but that shirt was ugly anyways."

Grabbing onto the nearest item you can get your hands on(an orange), you hold it up and chuck it at Tony.

"You suck," You huff, wiping off the water from your face that had burst from the pipe Tony had been fiddling with. "I am so on Team Cap."

Tony whines as he catches the orange and drops it onto the counter. "Oh, come on, I was kidding. I love your shirt. And you cannot join Steve! He's too old to participate in such activities!"

"I'm joining his laser tag team if you like it or not," You gesture to your shirt. "And Batman is going to win and you know it."

Tony rolls his eyes. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say," He regrets his words the second you grab an apple and hit him directly between the eyes.

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