Chapter Five

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"Wake up, beautiful." The voice says, directed to me as the owner places a delicate peck to my dry lips.

I moan and he chuckles.

I open my eyes to a squint to confirm who the boy is.

"Peeta." I whisper in a croak, smiling in relief to see him.

His arms sit either side of my small body, holding his own structure up. I glance at one his arms, observing the flexed muscles running up and down his tanned biceps.

"How did you sleep?" He questions, nuzzling his head into my neck and leaving a small trail of kisses up to my ear lobe.

My nose fills with Peeta's scent that smells like summer and spring mixed together in one magical pot.

I hum in pleasure at his touch, "It was great, no nightmares."

I feel his lips on my warm skin turn into a smile and he puffs a small laugh from his nose. "That's the best news to start the day," he says. And I blush a little.

"What do you want to do today?" He questions me, leaving my neck and looking into my tired orbs.

"Mm, wake up first." We both laugh at my sarcastic comment as he places a smiling kiss on my lips.

As he pulls back, I feel a bad churning in my stomach. Like a volcano had erupted in my tummy, creating endless rumbles and groans.

"Peeta. I don't feel too good." I tell him, rubbing my stomach soothingly.

His brows furrow and he lifts his body away from my hurting structure.

"What is it?" He asks, worried at my state.

I try to keep my calm, more for his sake than mine. He places a small bunch of hair behind my ear as I squeeze my eyes tight and run my hand over my face in pain.

Before anything else can happen, I feel something coming up my throat, I let out a hiccup and run to the bathroom as fast as I can. A burning sensation fills my mouth, just in time as I reach the bathroom to the left of Peeta's bed.

Bending down to the toilet, letting out the acidic-tasting vomit.

Peeta comes in after me, gathering my falling hair up in his hand and holding it out of my way.

I cough and splutter, spitting out every bit out of my mouth.

He grabs an elastic band and ties it around my hair quickly before leaving.

I slump down to the ground, sitting with my legs crossed. Gasping for air, I sniffle and small, painful tears escape my stinging eyes.

Peeta comes back with a damp cloth and a glass of water from the tap.

Wiping my mouth with the cloth and flushing my mouth out with the water and the tears stop.

With a small amount left, I gulp the cool liquid down. Feeling it run down into my stomach. Soothing the aching feeling.

He curses and smooths my hair back in the pony tail. "You okay?"

"I'm okay," I nod.

"Might have caught something." He comments.

I close my eyes, squeezing them closed to shut out the pain now in my head.

I open them as I feel strong hands wrap around my trembling body, picking me up.

Peeta carries me like I'm a bride, my legs in one hand and my upper-half in the other.

He carefully takes me back to his bed and places my body on top of the blanket.

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