Heart Moments - The Three Sisters

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Motherheart - Prologue (extract)

“What have you to tell us Archbishop?” asked the Mater standing and making her way forward from the three thrones and her ‘Sisters’. Her ornately embroidered gown flowed about her as it hid her femininity yet announced to all that here was the most powerful woman in all christendom. The Archbishop bowed gracefully and adopted a humble stance.

“Your Holiness, it appears the Polos have made ready to leave on the morrow. Apparently some portent or other is most favourable and they take ship and transit Alexanders Canal while such portents remain in their favour!” The Mater was joined by the Rebecca and the Fatima. They whispered to her and she looked past the Archbishop to me.

“Who is this?” My Archbishop was taken aback for he was about to launch into a tirade against the Polos and their command of this expedition.

“Aahh yess, aahh, your Holiness, if you please, may I present Brother Maximillian, assistant to Bishop Rodrigo and scribe to our Knight Commander of the expedition.”

“It is good one so young and innocent travels with them”, said the Fatima in Aegyptian arabic dialect. Her dark skin betrayed her lineage back through the ages to the elite of aegypt but her dark robes spoke of endless deserts and the eternal river that had fed her people for eternity.

“He will see everything and nothing”, added the Rebecca in Aramaic. The Rebecca was older than her sisters and dressed more conservatively yet still she emanated power and presence. I was puzzled at first by her words then something happened in my mind and I smiled. She smiled and nodded to me, “of what do I speak Priest of the Christos.”

“Gracious Mother,” I replied in Aramaic. “If I may speak truthfully as I have been tasked to do so”, and I changed to High Jerusalemaic Hebrew, “then you say that I am young enough to see everything clearly”, and I changed to Greek, “but not old enough to be blinded by rigid beliefs?”

The Rebecca smiled and turned, and walked across to the other side of the chamber. The Fatima stood looking at me, her dark brown eyes fixing me, then she too turned and walked off.

“You have made a good impression on my Sisters young priest,” said the Mater. “I pray that you continue to do so and may your gift of tongues help bring this quest to a most propitious conclusion!” The Mater then turned also and made her way back to her throne.

The Archbishop turned to me and smiled, “You my lad, are a better politician than you make yourself out to be!” and he clapped me on the shoulder. I was quite taken aback for something had happened and I could not grasp what. The gaze of the Fatima, the question of the Rebecca and the smile and touch of the Mater. I, I, felt as if I had been blessed and I stepped back from the edge of the crowd as the Archbishop began his address to the throng.

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