Chapter Two: Happy Fricken Birthday

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Chapter Two: Happy Fricken Birthday

*Azella's POV*

I yawn, waking up in the arms of my love, and look around. I smile seeing the goofy pictures of my boyfriend and his twin. Then I see the pictures of us two, in the lake, on our brooms, in this bed, or mine. We spend every second we can together.

I go to get up and I'm pulled back and held against his strong chest. He's a Beater on his Quiddich team, so he has to be a bit built.

"Where do you think you're going?" He mumbles into my hair. His hot breath on my neck makes me shiver in delight and send tingles throughout my body.

I smiled and turn to him. I'm greeted with a mop of fire red hair and blue eyes. "Just to get dressed, love." I look down at my naked form giving him a hint. A smirk appears on his face. "But I like you this way." He kisses my neck and rolls over on me.

I roll my eyes. "Freddie, we have to get up."

He smiles. "No, we don't. It's your birthday. And I want to give you a present." He kisses me and enters me swiftly. I moan and close my eyes. "Alright... But only once!"


We finally got out of bed after four rounds of mind blowing love making. I scolded Fred as he made us late and laughed as he swatted my bottom as I dressed.

"We're Head Boy and Girl. Don't you think we should make an impression?" I asked. "A good one!" I added as he opened his mouth to say something. He quickly closed it and his eyes sparkled.

We went to the Great Hall and sadly departed as we went to our separate tables. I sat by Autumn and smiled hugging her. She didn't move. It was like she was in a trance.

"You alright twin?" I asked poking her.

She nodded.

"Then why are you all quiet? And still?"

She didnt answer.

I kept poking her. "Auttie?"

"Draco hugged me." She whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course... So what's the plan for today? We're only sixteen once!" I smiled.

She again didnt answer.


"Draco hugged me." She said a bit louder this time.

"I know I heard. So what are we going to do?" I tried again.

"Draco hugged me!" She squealed loudly causing the whole Slytherin table to turn to us, plus the Gryffindors and a few Ravenclaws.

I glared at them. "Oi! None of your business you wankers!" They all immediately turned around.

"Azella?" I turned around and saw Hermione.

"Hey Mia!" I smiled and hugged her.

"Happy birthday." She smiled and handed me a small box with my name on it.

I smiled. "Thanks." I opened it and gasped. Inside there was a charm bracelet with five charms. A broomstick for Quiddich, an 'F' (I assume stands for Fred), two AA's stuck together for Autumn and I, a cauldron for my favorite class, Potions, and finally a small blank square charm.

"The last one will reveal itself when it's ready. I charmed it and Autumn's. It will reveal the last charm when you discover what it's for." She smiled.

I wiped a tear away. "Thank you so much, Hermione. I love it." I hugged her and she went back to her table.

I sighed, smiling and looked around. Everything was fuzzy, but then black. Shit... I fainted again..

Happy fricken' birthday to me...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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