5. I Meet The Guy Who Ruined My Life

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"So I read a little bit of the article about this 'Spider-Man'" Annabeth said as we walked toward the Daily Bugle. "It talked about him saving pedestrians and beating villians. He was like the watch dog of New York."

"Yeah. I guess so." But I was still a little freaked out from the voice that screamed inside of my head. The one called Venom.

I hoped Peter Parker could help me out. Give me some tips. He was Spider-Man, but he gave up on it. Maybe I had to follow in his footsteps and be the next Spider-Man.

Ugh. Why did my life get so messed up? First, I found out that I'm the son of Poseidon and then I have to be this web-slinging hero.

Great. Just great.

Annabeth and I entered the Daily Bugle. We walked to the lady working at the desk.

"Is there a Peter Parker here?" Annabeth asked.

The lady nodded and picked up the phone. She dialed a number and the phone rung.

After a few moments, the other line picked up. "Hello?"

"Yes. Mr. Parker? Two people are here to see you."

A second passed before Peter Parker said, "Okay. Bring them up."

"Floor 2. Office 3 on your left" said the lady.

"Thank you" I said. Annabeth and I headed to the elevator and clicked floor 2.

When the elevator opened back up when we hit floor 2, we got out and looked for room 3. We found it to the left of us.

The sign on the door said, Peter Parker.

Annabeth knocked on the door, "Mr. Parker?"

"Come in" said a voice.

Annabeth and I both entered. Inside the room were many photographs, a lot of them were about Spider-Man. Many awards were placed on his shelves. On his desk, sat a picture of him and a red-haired girl.

As for our wanted man, he looked about in his late 30's or early to mid 40's. He wore glasses and had brown hair and brown eyes. Inside his eyes, there was a little flash, like he had been through many things. Just like Annabeth I had after Tartarus.

"What can I do for you?" Peter asked, smiling.

"Do you know anything about a red and blue suit, a note, and an evil spider?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "Also, my name is Percy Jackson."

"You-you found it?" Peter questioned, astonished.

"I wouldn't be in this room if I didn't, I wouldn't have found you" I said.

"What happened after you got, you know, bitten?" Peter asked.

"I got these visions. About a spider guy in a red and blue suit swinging webs and fighting monsters. Then when the visions were over, this black scary spider guy jumped at me."

"Venom..." Peter trailed off.

"When I woke up, I went on my date with Annabeth. My hands started getting stuck on everything and I caught a plate of food... on my leg..."

"After that, we looked up different things and finally found an article in your newspaper, The Daily Bugle, about a "Spider-Man." The photographer was Peter Parker. The picture that was taken was pretty high up. Nobody could have taken it without a really good camera. And since you can swing high up with webs..." Annabeth finished.

"You're a pretty smart girl" Peter admired.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "So I've heard."

"Then, when I looked at the picture taken of Spider-Man, I got another weird vision thing but this time it was a voice. The voice mistakened me as you. He said that he would destroy me this time, not like the last time when I apparently destroyed him. I thought you would you know about that."

Peter stared at his desk, like he was processing this information. Him and Annabeth would probably make good friends.

"This is bad" Peter finally said. "Venom thinks your me. Since, I gave up on my powers, he must've smelled all my power in you. He thinks your Spider-Man."

"So that means?" Annabeth questioned.

"Percy is the new Spider-Man. He also has to keep his own identity a secret and pretend to be me, Peter Parker, while he is Spider-Man. Whether he likes it or not."

AN: I don't if you guys realized this yet but this Peter Parker is the Tobey Maguire one. The story comes after the events of Spider-Man 3.

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