Chapter Nine - Abducted

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First, there was noise. Deep, distorted voices, saying words Catherine couldn't understand. Then, she came to notice the absence of light. It was pitchblack all around her, she knew that without even opening her eyes. Somewhere in the distance she could hear water dripping, and it smelled of wet stone, earthy and a bit metallic.

Her heart was racing in her chest, blood booming in her ears. This was not good. Whoever they were -whatever they were - they weren't doing this for shits and giggles. She was tied up. Hogtied, maybe, but then again, she wasn't entirely sure what that was. All the knew was that she couldn't move her hands or feet. She was lying on her side, and while it seemed to be quite cold in her surroundings, she was comfortably warm. They had wrapped her in a blanket. Real wool, going by the smell.

And then, the sounds became more clear, intelligible.

"I say this is a stupid idea. This isn't going to make her like us." It was a surprisingly soft voice that said this, and the speaker seemed genuinely upset.

"Well, you shoulda said that before, cuz now it's too late. Deal with it." This one's voice was gruff, his words muddled together, betraying a very sour mood.

"I did say that before, if you'd care to remember. We are breaking the treaty," Number One hissed. He was standing closer to her than the other one, his voice was louder, and she heard the shuffle of a pair of feet nearby. What did they want with her? What could there possibly be that she could do for them?

"I know. Now feck off, Orin, you know that we bloody-"

His tirade was interrupted by someone clearing their throat, even further back in the darkness. Catherine winced at the sound. Three. That wasn't good. Not that it had been good beforehand, but now... Three was worse than two.

Then there was a spark, and suddenly, she could see. Fuck. What little light the burning torch provided fell on stocky little creatures with long hair and enormous beards. Lord Almighty. Dwarves. Dwarves! Real, living Dwarves in goddamn ratty tunics with heavy boots and braided beards. Dwarves.

Her gasp echoed through whatever cave they were in, and one of them chuckled. His pitchblack hair and beard were neatly braided, silver chainmail glinted in the light of the fire.

"Seems like the lassie is awake," another one drawled, voice full of disdain. Number Two. "Look at her, she's proper frightened. Delicious."

The lewd look he was giving her made her cringe where she was lying on the floor, wishing she could move. But when she experimentally pushed against her restraints, they only seemed to tighten. Well, crap. Wasn't like she was going to be able to get away anyways. So she settled on as much of a death-stare as she could manage at the moment.

The one she'd dubbed Number One, the one that had been called Orin by the disgusting one, took a step towards her. "We really don't seek to do you harm. We just want you to listen to us."

"And you've got to abduct me for that to happen?" she hissed.

The Dwarf flinched and ducked his head, looking self-conscious. But he was the only one reacting that way. Number Two, with his giant, white-streaked ginger beard, sneered at her. And her third abductor, who was still standing by the entrance of the cave, carefully braided black beard in a stark contrast to Number Two's, simply squared his shoulders.

"Listen to me, girl, because we're only gonna give you this one chance-"

But Number Two was interrupted by Number Three raising his hand, an aura of authority suddenly exuding from him. "Enough, Cumha. We will not torment the Lady Keeper any further than we already have."

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