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Phillip, what's coming next? I see the herald coming, he has a smile, and I believe, that he's gonna bring to this friendship a destiny, this is nice, indeed...

You're my friend, and you are real, finally my feelings and the reality agree! Landscape was so obscure, people were so knavish, but, my friend, now I'm decided to become your fanatic...

Phillip, my friend, I saw the fortunes running to you, my friend.
And I listened cities' claiming for a friendship like ours, my dear... After a long time, desiring a paper to write, now I have a treasure: My friend, whose kindness has been teased in fire.

Friend, don't you go away, cause "friendship" is a word that now I truly explain, and heaven will be your castle, and the clouds will be your bed... Phillip, you're so mad, but madly you are, just my friend...

-Dedicated to Phillip, my best friend...

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