ch.2 I figure out the meaning of life... or at least why my life is crazy

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Chapter 2: I figure out the meaning of life... or at least why my life is crazy.

Day 8 of captivity (noon)


 As I'm lying there in shock of what happened the doctor moves closer and, while I'm not paying attention because I'm still looking at my arm, he puts some kind of metal band loosely around my neck. And then I hear a small click and I get a zap all around my neck. It was at about the level of a static shock so even though it didn't hurt it still made me jump.

 "Ah, good. It's working properly."

 "Wait! Why did you put this on me?!" I ask.

 "Well how else am I going to make sure you don't try to escape?" He says like it's as obvious as the color of the sky. " This is just a precautionary measure to make sure you don't do anything drastic until you can be trusted to cooperate but in the mean time the collar will remain on you. And I'm here you might as well know what that collar can do. The main function is that if you try to leave this building it will shock you until you are incapacitated. It will also monitor your body functions such as heart rate and breathing. And I think there was one or two more but since I didn't design it I'm not sure. I think I'll read the manual for it again. Oh! Also," He says while reaching into his pocket and pulls out a small plastic white rectangle with a red button on it that looks like one of those "help, I have fallen and can not get up" things. " if you don't follow my orders I can click this and it will send another warning shock, just a light tingle to remind you. But if I hold it, it will feel like your getting hit with several tasers... or so I'm told. And if you try to remove it forcefully it will also knock you unconscious."

 As he says all this I try to reach up and touch the collar but then I remember that my hands are strapped to the bed. The words "This can't be happening to me" keep flashing in my head as I realize what is happening.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"You have been asleep for a week. But that's normal normal for the first change." Then he says. "Now that that is out of the way let's begin the first round of testing."

 And then he moves closer and undoes the strap my legs and then my arms. I flinch away when he got close.

 He looks at my reaction with, of all things, amusement and says. "I don't see the point in you behaving that way since I can't have you damaged before I give you to my clients."

 "Who are these clients of yours?" I ask, scared of what the answer may be.

 "Well I don't see why I can't tell you since you cant escape and your going to find out anyways. My clients are a large mercenary organization that want some altered fighters to give them an advantage on the battlefield... Buts that's enough of that. First off, I'm sure you are hungry at the moment but I've found that the other subjects all had strong indigestion if they were fed right after their change, so you eat later. But for right now you need to exercise your muscles or they will start tobe absorbed back into the body, so get up and follow me."

 I look at him and realize that, unless a miracle happens, this will be my life. So I sigh and get up off the bed but feel a bit dizzy from having been laying down for what I think is a while and move towards the doctor that's standing at the door and he says. "Good, now if you will follow me we can begin."

 And with that said he opens the door and walks out. I follow and, as I step out the door, I look around. The small cell is in a corner of a large warehouse looking building with high arched metal ceilings, lots of lab equipment on tables in the center. And as I look behind me I notice there isn't only one cell, there's about five. But the only ones with lights on was mine in the corner and the second to last one.

 "Hurry up now. We don't have all day." The doctor calls after me, who I realize had continued walking while I was looking around. So I sighed and ran to catch up. When I walked past the other cell with the lights on I heard someone muttering obscenities but I didn't have time to stop so I passed on. When I got closes he pointed me to walk into a square white structure.

 I sense a theme going on with all this white I think as I walk to enter the door next to the doctor.

 But as I'm going into the door I feel an intense burning pain all around my neck that turns my legs into jelly. I look at the doctor and he seems just as surprised as I am.

 Then he says. "Oh! I forgot it would do that if you got too close."

 As he's saying this my vision starts to fade from all the pain from my neck. My last thought before it all went black was I am getting really, REALLY tired of getting knocked out!


Sorry about the long upload time. I have most of the story planned out, I just have to work on the details.

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