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As soon as I saw him I lost my breath.
How did he do this to me? Why does someone whose never spoken more than three words to me make me feel like there's no one else for me. He was my biggest distraction.

Of course him being Ethan Barblo, the captain of the hockey team, and on top of that, he had a toned body and a well proportioned face, and he was extremely bright, he dated Tiffany Welch, the captain of the cheerleading team.

She wasn't a horrible person, she wasn't your stereotypical blonde cheerleader. She was smart, not as smart as Ethan, but smart, and probably the kindest person you'd ever meet. She was beautiful. She had a great body, long tanned legs, her boobs and butt were filled perfectly as if God had taken his time on her. She was the full package. I didn't know if I wanted to be her or do her.

I on the other hand, I am not an athlete, I don't participate in any after school activities. I keep to myself and get my work done. I don't have the body or face of Tiffany, but I can say that my 4.0 has me multiple scholarships to great schools. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm already being offered scholarships that I won't need for another two years.

I have everything planned out. I graduate high school, go to college, graduate college, get a job, find someone to fall in love with by twenty three, be married by twenty six and have kids by thirty. My whole life is planned out to the end, and I have my mother to thank for that. If she didn't push me the way she does, I'd probably be pregnant and failing all of my classes.

"January, right?" A familiar voice asked.

I look up to see Tiffany holding a notebook out to me.

"You dropped this." She says sweetly.

"Thank you." I look to the ground again and try to get past her as quickly as possible.

"Wait! Hey, slow down, for such a tiny girl you walk pretty fast." She laughs while pushing through the heard of people to catch up to me.

"I'm sorry." I look to the ground again.

"You should really look up while you walk, you're really pretty and I'm sure a lot of guys would love to see your face and not the top of your head." She laughs again.

"I'm sorry." I say while picking up my shoulders slightly.

"And quit saying sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about, just giving you some pointers." She smiles sweetly in my direction.

"How come you're talking to me?" It comes out more aggressive than I wanted it to.

"What?" She seemed offended.

"I'm sorry, you just don't usually talk to me, no one usually talks to me, and now Tiffany Welch is talking to me, and you actually know my name." I say to quickly.

"We've talked a few times, you've helped me with my Spanish homework, and we were in that group project in government where you and me did all the work." She ask as if she was trying to convince me.

"Yea, I remember that, but I mean like, outside of the classroom when we don't have to talk to each other or when someone isn't trying to bribe me to do their homework, just, no one really ever makes the effort to actually talk to me like you are now." She seemed surprised at what she heard, as if I should have tons of friends.

"Maybe you need to get out of your shell? Have a little fun, put down the book ya know?" She smiles widely.

"You should come to the house party at Daniels Sunday, it'll be so much fun, you can talk to a few cute guys, dance a little, loosen up with a few drinks, have some fun." She stares, waiting for an answer.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, I have to study for my math test on Monday and my mom would never let me out of the house on a school night." My hands start to sweat as I try to get my way out of this.

"Oh come on January, you have straight A's it won't hurt you to wing it on one test, study tonight and Saturday and you should be fine." She pleas.

"What about my mom?" I ask.

"Sneak out when she's asleep, she'll never know, I'll even let you borrow some clothes if you need to and I'll give you a ride home before day breaks!"

"Fine." I say reluctantly. She squeals in excitement to my answer.

"I promise, you won't regret this! You're gonna have so much fun, you'll want to do this every night!"

I knew this would end badly, partying was to familiar to me and it always ended badly.

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