Ch. 33 (PG-13): The Wingate Family and Friends Four Years Later in 1831

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August, 8, 2013--Dear Readers, Today is my first anniversary of sharing my stories on my Wattpad site here. So to celebrate, I have uploaded the next chapter of "Love is a Choice" for you.   Then Monday, we will return to  our usual weekly schedule for a few more chapters as this story concludes.  Cheers!   Grati ;->

"Love is a Choice", Ch. 33 (PG-13):  The Extended Wingate Family and Friends Four Years Later in 1831, August 08, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace

(An original story by Gratiana Lovelace; All Rights Reserved)

[From time to time, I will illustrate my story with my dream cast of:  Richard Armitage as Lord Rafe Wingate, Carla Gugino as Lady Katharine Southwick Wingate, Lesley Nicol as Mrs. Plunkett, Lady Violet Henderson as Lady Leonora Wingate, Emilie Francois as the child Anna Wingate and Samantha Mathis as the young lady Anna Wingate, Mark Strong as Sir Collin MacGregor, Alan Bates as Lord Charles Wingate, Christian Bale as Stuart MacGregor, Daniel Day-Lewis as Sir Antony Southwick, Michelle Pfeiffer as Lady Charmaine Southwick, Catherine Deneuve as Lady Esmѐ Sinclair, Julian Sands as Sir Percival Southwick, Samantha Morton as Lady Lucinda Southwick, Raymond Coulthard as David Harriott, Rosamund Pike as  Fanny Miller, Brendan Coyle as Uncle Miller, Princess Adelaide as herself, Princess Victoria as herself, Kirsten Dunst as Cassandra Hatch, Matthew MacFadyen as Fr. Robert Hatch, and others, etc.]   [Story Logo 1abcd]

Author's Mature Content Note:  "Love is a Choice" is a story of love and romance set in the early to mid 1800's.  I like Regency sensibilities with regard to comedy of manners, but Romantic period modes of dress.   Ha!  As such there will be some passages in this story involving heartfelt love scenes (perhaps some R rated) and some passages involving highly dramatic moments.  I will label the maturity rating of those chapters accordingly.  Otherwise, the general rating for this story is PG or PG-13 due to some mature situations and topics.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read the chapters with those labels.  This is my disclaimer. 

Additional Disclaimer: The Wiki and other reference links I cite contain general information merely to indicate that a place, person, or artifact, etc., possibly existed.  Though I try to use real locations in England and I make reference to some historically complementary information whenever possible, the fictionalized history that I write about for these towns, towns folks, and areas in my story are mostly figments of my imagination and should not be taken as fact.

Author's Recap from the previous installment:  Anna had felt put out to be excluded from attending Fr. Robert and Cassie Hatch's impromptu wedding in Spring 1827.  And she was fed up with everyone's  non stop talk about babies--from her Kathy and her Papa Lord Rafe, to her Grandmere with her new baby girl Lady Rosalind Marie, to the Hatch's who were soon to be expecting a baby after their wedding three months earlier.  Anna was feeling neglected and sorrowful at not having a Mama of her own.  But with a the near drowning of Lady Katharine during their stay at their seaside estate near Maylandsea named Sea Grove Estate--she was saved by Anna's quick alert and Lord Rafe's strong swimming--Anna's insecurities and sorrows were revealed.  Lord Rafe and Lady Katharine promised to be more mindful ofAnna's needs as their first child, and Anna began to call Lady Katharine Mama at Lady Katharine's request--thus resolving a tear that had been festering at the heart of this Wingate family of three.  Partially as a result of her drowning ordeal, Lady Katharine unexpectedly delivered twin babies a month early--a boy and a girl.  The births were frought with difficulties and near tragedy for mother and babies--but  blessedly, they all survived.  However, as of the previous chapter, the babies had yet to be named.

"Love is a Choice", Ch. 33 (PG-13):  The Extended Wingate Family and Friends Four Years Later in 1831

Spring is blossoming gloriously in London in April 1831--and so are the young ladies who will have their coming out balls this season, among them being Lord Rafe's daughter, Anna.  A now sixteen year old Anna Wingate, Baroness of Warwick  [(2) right] has blossomed into a lovely young woman.  Her dark blond hair now lightened again from being outside riding without her riding hat, favoring her late Mama Fanny's coloring. Anna's hazel eyes have a decidedly more greenish cast to them.  Her nose has stayed small and delicate, while her lips have ripened into a fullness with a rosie hue.  And Anna's skin is still flawless like her Grandmama Leonora's is--though not as pale, but with some warmth to her skin tone due to Anna's love of being in nature.  Anna looks healthy and robust, as well as, dainty and ladylike befitting her station. Yet, she also loves to have fun--as her often smiling countenance reflects.

"Love is a Choice" by Gratiana Lovelace, 3/15/13 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now