Day 1

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Dear Mason,

So you left today. You went to California for something but you won't tell me what. You said you'd be back in thirty days with a "surprise that will make me smile." So I thought I'd send you these letters to you in California. I wish you left in the Summer. Hazel will not stop calling me asking where you have disappeared to but you told me to tell no one. I'll miss the cd's you'd slip in my locker after third period every Friday with some new band some new song. But that's okay, because you're living now.

Whom you're living with right now frightens me. What they can do what they will do. You're on that twelve hour flight and I tried every excuse to make you stay. But now I'm thinking of every excuse for you to go anyway. I'm glad you went, you don't have to see Mr. Brindle talk extremely slow anymore. You don't have to see the same damn scenery everyday. You don't have to see how perfect Mrs. Gene keeps her grass perfectly cut and an annoying green.

But then there's the excuses why you shouldn't of left. How I'd give you my mom's terrible tea every Monday while walking to school, Hazel's brown lengthy hair. The reasons why I miss you now is endless as well. But I won't share those as, well, they'd bring you right back.

Missing you is a complicated emotion for me. Considering I want you to go and be happy, but I want you to be here right now and watch movies with me and talk about dumb shit.

I miss your green eyes. I miss your light brown hair how it fell to the left.  I miss you coming over on Thursday's eating my cereal at eleven at night smelling like gym socks because of your weekly football games.

Hazel won't stop talking about how much she's in love with you and misses you. But I think we all know, I miss you more.



I put my pen down folded the letter and rested the letter on my desk and stared at it. I didn't know why I was crying so bad. I missed him. I was already depressed and I just wanted him to say everything's okay when clearly, it won't get better.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2013 ⏰

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