Chapter 5

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Sunday 30 January, 1944

Dear Arthur,

I hope this letter reaches you all right. Just a quick note to let you know that all is well. I can't say much... the censors monitor everything we write, and they might cut it out.

We arrived here the other day. Pretty messed up landing but we are getting on our feet. Hope you are well!

From Alfred.


Sunday 6 February, 1944

Dear Arthur,

Things getting better. This place is amazing, but I miss... England. Yeah. I think about England all the time. I can't wait to get back to... England.

Still can't say a lot, but... let's just say the Krauts have good reason to be pretty darn scared now that the Americans are here! Oh, and the Canadian too. Matthew sends his greetings!

From Alfred.


Tuesday 15 February, 1944

Dear Arthur,

Sorry these letters are so short - we're not supposed to say much.

The weather is good. Food terrible. Still miss England.

Yesterday was Saint Valentine's Day. Next year I will send a real Valentine. Until then...

Lo... From Alfred.


Thursday 17 February, 1944

Dear Arthur,

Getting this sent with the officer's mail so hopefully it gets past the censors.

These Krauts fight pretty damn hard. I've taken down four of em already - that's the most in the whole squad! Their Messerschmitts ain't no match for our Mustangs!

Our song came on the radio this morning. I was singing along until the guys in the squad started throwing empty cans at me for no reason. I guess they're just jealous that I've bagged more Krauts than any of em.

I still miss England. Oh, and in case you're confused, when I say England I mean you.

Love, Alfred.


Monday 28 February, 1944

Dear Arthur,

I found out today that the Krauts have a name for me. They call me - you're gonna love this one - the Magician. Because I appear and disappear like magic. Great, isn't it! Lady Beth and I are the terror of the skies! Matt is really jealous, even though he says he isn't. I always said I was the hero of the squad!

I keep your handkerchief close to my heart every day. But I can't say too much. Even though this is sent with the officer's mail there is still a chance it'll be seen by the censors.

Love, Alfred.

P.S. Just to prove I really am a Magician, I'm going to do something AMAZING - add an extra day to the month! That's right! Just you wait, I'm gonna make February twenty-nine days long this year!


Tuesday 29 February, 1944

Dear Arthur,

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