Chapter 1- Home

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~Charlotte's POV~

The bar was quiet surprisingly for a Saturday night. I'd just flown back to New York from London and was off the plane just a few hours ago. Some drunk guy sat down on the empty barstool in front of the counter next to me.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?" he asked. I glanced at him then shrugged.

"I'm new to town." He chuckled.

"I can tell by that accent of yours." Whenever he talked I noticed his eyes moved to my boobs instead of my face. Annoyed, I folded my arms across my chest then frowned.

"Why the sad face?" he asked before he downed his shot. I shrugged again not saying anything.

"Is something wrong?" Yes.

"No." I didn't wanna come back to America but I had to. I left too much behind when I left but that was how I wanted it. I wanted to move on from all the drama that happened before.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Charlotte," I replied in a flat tone.

"That's a pretty name."


"Can I buy you a drink?" he offered after a moment of silence.

"I'm good," I said, holding up my glass.

"You sure?"

"Positive." He wasn't that attractive to be honest. He just seemed drunk and desperate. He scooted his stool closer to me and I could smell his boozy breath on my neck. It made me wanna throw up. I couldn't stand the smell of beer.

"I think you should reconsider my offer."

"Why's that?" I asked, annoyance in my tone.

"Because you might do something you'll regret." His tone was harsh and changed drastically in a matter of seconds. His hand moved up my exposed thigh (I was only wearing a mini dress) but I slapped it away.

"DON'T touch me," I growled. The next thing I knew, his tongue shoved itself down my throat and I tried pushing him off of me but failed since he was bigger than me.

"Hey," I heard an oddly familiar voice say. The guy detached himself from my lips and shot a glare at the voice who interrupted us.

"Who are you?" he slurred.

"No one you need to know," he replied boldly. The guy stood up and faced him. I realized both guys weren't that tall and I was probably just worrying but the other guy's face was blocked by the drunk one.

"Don't make this more than it needs to be," the sober one said. That voice though. I knew it too well for some reason.

"I'm gonna make it whatever I want it to be."



"I suggest you get out of here before one of us does something stupid."

"Is that right?"

"It is."

"Alright." The next thing I knew the sober guy got a blow to the jaw. He clutched the side of his face but didn't bother hitting him back.

"That's exactly what I was talking about," he huffed.

"Oh really?"

"Yup. Now I think you should get your sorry ass out of here before I get myself kicked out." The drunk guy muttered a curse under his breath but walked out of the bar. That voice was killing me though since I couldn't figure out how I knew it. But then it hit me after the guy came into view.


I guess he figured out who I was too because I saw shock wash over him.

"Charlotte?" he asked. I nodded. I stood up and he opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him for a few seconds but I really didn't wanna pull away so quickly. He smiled a little after I let go.

"Is your jaw okay?" I asked, feeling bad that he took a hit for me. He rubbed it as if he forgot it even happened.

"I think so. Are you okay?" he turned the question around. he was still holding me by the arms and awkwardly dropped them.

I nodded. "I'm fine. Luckily he didn't do too much."

"Good. Just imagine if I knew it was you before. He would have been dead in a matter of seconds." For some reason I laughed at that even though I knew Kellin was serious.

" you wanna sit?" I offered. Who knew then that asking that four worded sentence would change everything from then on? Kellin sat down next to me and ordered a beer. "You have an accent!" He smiled. Living there for a while made me pick up one after about a year. I smiled back.

"How have you been?" he asked. I shrugged. Truthfully after my parents and me moved to England life took the wrong kind of turn. After what happened in New York all those years back I fell into a depression. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was what would happen once i came back. I've been dreading this day for five years. I nearly had an anxiety attack about an hour before I left for the airport. Luckily I had a friend to calm me down. Usually it was Kellin to calm me down during these things but I hadn't seen him since I was sixteen years old. I think too much.

"I think I deserve more than just a shrug," Kellin laughed. "I haven't seen you in five years. How was England?"

"Not that different from here, to be honest. It's always cloudy and raining (kinda like my old moods)," I replied.

"Really? For some reason I always thought it would be different."

Did that mean he thought of England a lot? Was he connecting it back to me or something?

"So," I started. "How are you?" I asked this time. Kellin laughed for some reason.

"You know how I used to write a lot?"

I nodded.

"Well I'm kinda in a band."

"What band?"

"Sleeping with Sirens." (a/n NO REALLY?!?!)

I knew that band. Why didn't I ever know that Kellin was in it?

"Really? I know them! What do you do?"

"I sing."

"That's really cool. I'm proud of you." That made him smile.

"Thanks. It means a lot."

"No problem. Anything else going on?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why won't you answer my question?" I didn't wanna tell him what happened after I left. The less he knew the better.

I was about to answer when Kellin's phone rang.

"Hold on a sec" he said as he answered.

"Hello?...out...the bar...I know...sorry...okay, okay...bye." He hung up about a minute later.

"Sorry I gotta go. I forgot I had plans." Kellin looked disappointed. "Can I get your number? If your phone works here."

"Of course." We exchanged numbers and before Kellin left I had to be nosy and asked.

"If you don't mind me asking, who were you on the phone with?"

"Just my girlfriend. I'll see you later. It was great seeing you."

"You too," I replied quietly.


Well there's the first chapter! I probably should have made a prologue but


I'm saying that unironically now, help.

Chapter two will be up tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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