Chapter Nine

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"Yeah, I'd think so," Tony grumbled, glaring at him. Loki sat down, placing one hand on his knee and using the other to offer the floor to the others Steve sat down as well, but Tony was far too stubborn and remained standing.

"No, thanks," he folded his arm, grumpily.

"Suit yourself," Loki shrugged.

"So, why exactly are you here?" Tony demanded, "Trying to use me and my technology to take over the world?"

"What?" Loki raised an eyebrow, "No. Of course not. What would I want with a miserable, Midgardian excuse for a planet? It's Amora that is trying to get control of Earth. She's eliminating you, and these other people, for some reason, before she does. Personally, I don't understand why, but..."

"Wait," Tony unfolded his arms and stared at him, "Do you know anything about these people?"

"I did my research, yes," Loki confirmed, "Current locations, names, images, etc. They aren't anyone particularly spectacular thou-"

"That's not important," Tony interjected, "Did you, like, keep records of them or..." Loki spun his hand around once and conjured up a manilla folder, which Tony grabbed, immediately.

Flipping through the paperwork, he grinned, excited.

"I know them all!" he stated, "This is them, Steve! This is the Avengers!"

"Who?" Loki questioned, watching Steve take the folder in curiosity.

"The Avengers," Tony explained, "Me, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor-"

"You couldn't possibly know my brother!" Loki jumped to his feet, angrily, "Because he's-" the god of mischief cut himself off, not wanting to reveal what he was about to say.

"He's... What?" Steve look up, innocently enough.

Loki sighed, closing his eyes, "You couldn't possibly know him because... Because he's dead."

"What?!" Tony exclaimed, "What the hell happened?"

"Amora," Loki clenched his fists, "She used me to get close to my family and then killed my father - Then she slayed my brother and took the throne for herself. My people have been in a Dark Age, since. I plan to avenge my brother and take the throne as the rightful king of Asgard."

"Huh," Tony considered, "No offense, Man, but last time you planned revenge and conquer, you kind of working against the Earth."

"Well, as they say; The enemy of my enemy is my friend," Loki shrugged, "But what do you mean, last time?"

"I have... Memories," Tony explained, "Of an alternate reality where me and these other people Amora are hunting down came together to stop you. A couple of master assassins, a Norse god, a super soldier," Tony pointed to Steve, "Me and a big green rage monster. We were all brought together by the Devil, himself, Nick Fury."

"Why would I bother with this insignificant planet," Loki demanded.

"Some kind of grudge against your brother or something," Tony shrugged, "Daddy loved him more kind of thing."

"Watch what you say," Loki glared, "Or I'll make you regret ever being born."

"Not that I'm afraid of you," Tony stated, "But angering a madman is never a good idea, so..."

"So... What are you going to do, now?" Steve piped up.

"Go and... Try to find the rest of them, I suppose," Tony shrugged.

"Find and finish Amora," Loki added.

"Well... I want in," Steve stood up, confidently.

"Um, no offense, Cap," Tony stated, "But I don't think that's a great idea. This isn't some annoying business agent, buddy. This is practically war. I think you'd be safer here." Steve pursed his lips, considering what to do.

"Follow me," he commanded, turning and leaving the room. The other two exchanged looks and followed after him. Steve lead them to his office and they stood in the doorway as he walked up to his desk and pressed a button hidden from their view. Tony stared in disbelief as the wall moved aside to reveal a star spangled uniform, complete with shield and accurate down to the last detail. Tony could only stand there with his mouth open.

"Like I said," Steve crossed his arms, "I want in."

"Okay," Tony mumbled, his lip slightly tilted upwards.

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