Protect Me

58 7 0

Are you pleased with me?

Because sometimes, you seem happy, and sometimes, you seem almost contemplative.

But that's a good thing, right?

I don't know if you've approved my form of worship in this month.

I don't know if you approve me at all.

For things much more, I know I am very rebellious.

I wasn't like this from the start.

You know that, don't you?

I was often...scared to confess what I actually felt.

I was never a bad girl.

Goody two shoes.

Always agreeing. Never denying. Never voicing out my thoughts.

Had become quite of a routine, though I wonder, if my prayers are much more better than the ones before.

That my love, is not fake, not pretense, but merely pure love for you.

You do know that, don't you?

How much I adore you.

How much I admire your love, your compassion.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to love you back the way you want to.

I hope I can.

It would be beautiful.

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