Chapter Five

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She seemed nice, but Tony's face screamed the complete opposite.

She stretched her arms, "Ugh, HYDRA rogues always a pain in the arse,".

Natasha asked, "How did you know they were HYDRA rogues? There was nothing to suggest that in the film you showed us,".

Riles tilted her head, "They weren't organized for one thing. If they were, it would have been much more difficult to escape. Anyway, Imma go poke around and see what big bro has done around here,".

She did a two-fingered salute before turning back into a cat and running off.
When I shifted into a cat, I ran off. I could practically feel the questions.

Cas was running beside me, "What did you do in the vents?" I meowed.

He gave a small yowl of laughter, "JARVIS said I was a pest, so Tony sent Clint. Long story short Clint got mauled. It was pretty funny. You should look at the video later,".

I shook my head and rounded a corner.

I booped Cas on the nose as I turned both of us invisible.

I ran to the elevator and pushed the top floor button.

Cas looked at me, "What's the plan?"

I put on a large grin, "You'll see,".

He sat beside me as we waited for the doors to open.
A few minutes later, the doors opened revealing Tony's suits.

We ran into the room and I turned back human, but remained invisible.

I dug into my pocket, which I had specially made kinda like Hermione's bag, and pulled out a couple spray paint cans. I shook the pink one and started to spray the red parts of the suit.

I could hear Cas snickering.

To make it worse, I had found a glue that didn't come off easy and glued 'Hello Kitty' bows on the headpiece.

I tapped my chin, I didn't like the gold... Oooh I know!

My tail lashed in delight as I dug into my pocket, grabbing a purple spray can and finished off my masterpiece.

When I was done, I stepped back, admiring my work. I took a picture, then hacked into SHIELD and posted the picture on all their technology. So whatever they were doing,
the picture would pop up in front and alert and mobile devices.

I shifted into a cat and ran into the elevator, pushing the button for a random floor.

When it opened, I took off running with Cas behind me.

I ran into a pair of legs and turned visible again.

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