Chapter 24

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I'M STILL NOT COMPLETELY CERTAIN what happened next, but from my clouded memory, my bravery was actually a completely stupid move.

I flung myself at the nearest one, swiping and slashing with my blade, I landed one or two good cuts on him, blood beading on the surface of his skin, but he pretty much fought me off without so much as breaking a sweat. The Coven fled, all but two of the Seconds going with them, and I cursed under my breath as they started to advance on me.

Big-and-Ugly on the left staggered suddenly, and I looked at him in surprise before he crumbled, revealing an arrow protruding from his back. My gaze flickered to the roof, and I saw Chris scowling down at me, skimming the area for a quick way to get down. On the other side of the street, Thomas was already turning to tail the others, and I knew Syrena was lurking in the trees, ready to spring into action.

The Second who hadn't been taken down barely spared a surprised glance for his friend before looking around, searching the area for the most prevalent threat. He quickly decided it was the archer, but unable to find him, his gaze settled on me once more.

I slipped into the Sense, and I could feel the buildup of energy in his right hand, the neurons firing to communicate with his body and the way the muscle were tensing in preparation.

I was gone long before his fist passed through the air, sliding to his left and burying a knife in his side, dancing away before the pain had even registered. He cried out, reaching down and yanking it out, grimacing before his furious eyes landed on me.

Well, shit, I thought, cringing, Now he has a weapon.

How the hell was I supposed to beat a guy I could stab with no effect?

As it turned out, I wasn't. Syrena, the sly, sneaky warrior that she was, had crept up behind him while he was distracted. One good blow on the head, and he crumbled, his eyes rolling back--I, however, chose to believe it was the blood loss that really did all the work.


"WHAT DO WE do now?" Syrena asked, glancing in between us. Thomas was still out, following the others, probably. I pushed away the anxiety that rose every time I thought of him, of what could happen. Thomas was good at his job, and even if something went wrong, he was a fast talker. He'd be fine.

It was us I should be worrying about.

"Take them back, I suppose. We'll interrogate them for the information, like we did with Dwight," Chris replied after a pause.

"Somehow, I doubt they'll be quite as easy to crack as he was," I said, looking down at the muscled men. I allowed myself to slip into the Sense once more, checking to make sure that our soon-to-be informants weren't too badly hurt. I frowned, looking at the Second Chris had shot, before I knelt and used just enough energy from the plants around me to keep him alive long enough to get some answers.

"Yeah, I think she's right," Syrena said. I glanced at her, startled by her statement, and she smiled softly. "Maybe I'm not happy with the Tainted, and maybe I don't love the fact that you kept your powers from us, but I'm not oblivious. You're a good fighter, and you've got a good heart. None of that's changed. Maybe soon we'll be... friends, again."

"I'd like that," I said, smiling back at her.

Chris looked between us, amused. "This is nice and all, but we've still got some problems, so if you two don't mind..."

I blushed, turning back to the unconscious captives, and nodded, frowning as I spotted another problem with the plan. "How are we going to get back to the apartment with them? If we wake them up, they'll try to escape, and if we don't, we have to find an inconspicuous way of dragging to unconscious, bleeding men through the street."

Syrena and Chris sighed in unison, and I smiled quietly, remembering the old days. Still, I had a new theory that probably meant they wouldn't be getting back together any time soon.

"You're right," Chris said, his brows furrowed.

"Aren't I always," I muttered, letting out a breath as I stood. "So. Ideas?"

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