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A Writing by:




Chapter I


Nowadays, Muslim facing so many challenges development of liberalization and globalization, which is signed by the emerged of many, misleads idea and free interpretations of law theorem in Islam. There are also emerge many contrary and claiming each other as the correct side. Now, these two poles among liberal and extreme side progressively grows and expands as did khawarij and murjiah in the past.

This time, it is seen too many activities which is behalf of religious acts but actually opposing and against the majority decision and did not shows the true face of Islam as the best religion. These all minorities groups (extremes and liberals) create Islam to be misunderstand by others. And these all conditions smoothing and facilitating non-Muslim and Islamic hatred to blaming and discredit Islam more and more.

Most of this ummah was forgetting the message from Rasulullah (P.B.U.H.) which the meaning is: "I have left two things for you, in which you hold these tightly you will never get lost. Both are the Holy Book and my prophetic tradition".

Many people this time was mislead by the other rules and mistakes in interpreting the law theorem in Islam. Some people became too tight and abundant, and some others became too weak from world obsession. Some people destroy with bomb, and some others destroy with menticide (thought control) and intellectual hardness.

"O ye who believe! Ye have charge of your own souls. He who erreth cannot injure you if ye are rightly guided. Unto Allah ye will all return; and then He will inform you of what ye used to do".

(The meaning of Qur'an, 5:105)

A. Title clarification and Limitation

For preventing a wrong interpretation and maximize the understanding about this title "Terrorism", the writer needs to clarify and define the title, elaborate the term to make it clear and easier to analyze.

Terrorism term according Oxford Dictionary is the use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act , or it is refers to the killing of innocent people by a private group . So, the basic concept of terrorism is the systematic use of terror or acts which are intended to create fear.

In Nov 2004, a United Nation Security Council reports and described terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or obtain from doing act" .

B. Problem Formulation

With the background of the subject, the writer summarizes the problem as:

1. What is terrorism concept and motives.

2. What is the problem (lost) from terrorism acts.

3. Clarify the most dangerous terrorism.

C. Purpose of Study

The expected result or benefits from this study are:

1. To know terrorism concept.

2. To know the most dangerous terrorism.

3. To give information to the readers and for educational effort.

D. System of Study

In order to analysis data, this study will use library research method or literary review, with books and software data encyclopedias, and also from online data. This method is using many data source to know more about the subject information included the concept and the newest acts data.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2009 ⏰

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