The Start of the Zombie Apocalypse

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Monday 21st April 2140

1100 Hours

Dear Death,

I have believed in you for so long. I was your obedient slave, and this is how you repay me?


Yuno Vareach

The day was hot. It was so stinking hot. These summers were too hot. She should move somewhere cold. Like Antarctica. The students were sitting calmly at their desks when the fire alarm went off. They looked up in surprise. Several of them began to mutter.

"Okay, Students! Leave your stuff behind and line up outside!" Yuno called.
Grumbling, they obeyed.

"Mitsuka! Leave it behind! I know you want to keep going, but we need to go!" she urged one of her favourite students. Mitsuka waved her hand in a vague gesture Yuno took to be 'hold on.'

"Mitsuka, we need to leave!"

"Please let me finish this sentence, Miss!" she begged. Yuno rolled her eyes.

"Okay, class. Go ahead. Go straight to the assembly point. No pit stops or mucking around. Understand?" she said to the two lines of eager children.

"Yes miss Vareach!" they chorused. Yuno nodded.

"See you there!" she said. They walked off, giggling and laughing. Yuno watched them go, then walked back to Mitsuka. She was still desperately writing. Yuno waited a few moments.

"You really do need to hurry up. Not only do we need to leave, but you are in extreme danger of sentence run-on." Yuno joked. Mitsuka giggled.

"Done!" she said happily, proudly displaying the gap in her front teeth. Yuno smiled.

"Let's go!" she said, taking Mitsuka's hand. They walked out the door, just in time for the world to dissolve.

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