Chapter Eighteen

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“Fine ladies and handsome gentleman!” Rian started, waving his hands around like an idiot. “May I have your attention please?”

            The people in the gym slowly started to quiet, putting all their focus on Rian. I stood at the edge of the stage, watching as Gold got ready to make their announcement about their new song to everyone in the gym. Rian was grinning excitedly, making him look incredibly handsome and after a few moments I realized I was also grinning like an idiot. Immediately I tried to cover it, biting my lip to stop myself from doing it again. I didn’t want to look like a creep.

            Luke snagged the microphone away from Rian. “Are all you guys having fun tonight?”

            There was a chorus of “yeah!” throughout the room. Luke beamed. One girl in the crowed screamed that she loved him. I laughed quietly, shaking my head.

            “So we have a surprise for all of you tonight— hey!” he protested, his voice sounding much quieter as Noah snatched the microphone from him. He tried to take it back, but Noah elbowed him in the side none too gently.

            “Does anyone have any guesses?” Noah asked.

            “Guest performance!” someone shouted.

            Noah blinked. “Well, we could ask—”

            “Noah,” Rian hissed, giving him a pointed look. “We only have like two minutes to make an announcement.”

             “Very well… Okay! Guess what everyone? I’m moving to Idaho—”

            “Give me that,” Rian demanded, trying to rip the microphone from Noah’s hands.

            He scowled, tugging the phone back. “I want to make the announcement!”

            “I’m the lead singer!”

            “That doesn’t mean shit!”

            Luke rushed forward, also putting a hand on the voice amplifier. “I think the drummer is the most important. I should get to announce it.”

            “No!” the other two denied in a shout.

            A few people in the audience cringed while the other started laughing. Some of the guys looked very unamused. I was stuck between all three actions. They really only did have a minute left to make their announcement. “Guys!” I called from the side.

            They ignored me. Rian wrapped an arm around Noah’s neck, trying to bring him to the ground. Noah was punching him in the chest, trying to push him away. Luke was just hanging onto the microphone, being jostled around by the two fighting. After a moment Rian seemed to gain the upper advantage by knocking Noah off balance. However his plan backfired when Noah wrapped an arm around Rian’s waist, bringing down his dress pants as he fell. I almost smacked myself in the face.

            The crowd burst out in loud cheers and whoops. “Take it all off!” a group of girls near the front of the stage shouted.

            “Dude! Uncalled for!” Rian cried, kicking Noah in the side.

            Noah rolled over, smirking up at him. “Look at your ducky boxers!”

            “I thought you got rid of those,” Luke commented, furrowing his eyebrows.

            Rian scowled at them, oblivious to the hundred plus students he was standing in front of with his pants down. “You guys are walking home!”

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