Plane Ride

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                        The plane was quiet with nothing but the sound of the jets. Francine was looking out of the window, while Chrissy head lays gently on her shoulder. Francine looks at Chrissy and sees the scrapbook. "When did Chrissy get time to make that?" She wondered while slowly pulling out the book in between her hands. "She flips through all the pages remembering all the great memories that she had living in that small town. She finally stop flipping at a page with small writing at the bottom. "These few pages are left blank so you can fill them with your new memories in the city. While you still can remember the good ones you had with me. From- Bunnie P.S. Send me the book back when you finish it." Francine whispers to herself as a tear falls down her cheek.

                    Chrissy wakes up and sees Francine holding the book. "You must not cry sister Bunnie said she would keep in touch!" Chrissy says with a soft smile. Francine smiles back, "May I offer you guys some peanuts?" Said the plane assistant. "No thank you... well ok a few though." Francine said. The assistant hands over a bowl of peanuts. "Attention passengers the plane will now be landing at Maple Leaf City. Hope you all had a great flight on Zoly airlines!" Said the captain.  Just than Francine remembers someone she forgot to say goodbye to, Bob. The voice of the captain sounded similar to his. 

                     "Let's go i'm so excited to go to our new home!" Yelled Chrissy as all the passengers stare at her. (Francine laughs) "Wait a sec I forgot to tell someone..." She cuts off trying to think about something.  *In her head" What if he get the job as a pilot like he always wanted and he is in the plane right now! No this can't be real I will just try to forget about it."* She looks up and sees the flight attendant again. "Excuse me miss do you need any help?" She questioned. "Ummmm... No wait... yes I do! Have you seen a pink bunny and do you know where oak lane is?" Francine replied. "Yes come with me she went this way! By the way my name is Eloise i'm moving in the city. Why have you come." She says while walking off the plane. "Well i'm moving in with my sister from Water Creek Village. And my name is Francine my sister, is Chrissy. They walk off into the crowd of the airport. 

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