Truths Tiffs and Hand Towels

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Chapter Two: Truths, Tiffs and Hand Towels

I make my way to Luke's. He lives on a farm so I have to trudge up the long and muddy road to his house, meaning my trousers are pretty soaked by the time I reach his door.

His mum lets me in with a warm greeting and advises me to take a shower, offering to lend me some of Lily's clothes. Lily is Luke's sister and unfortunately we don't really get along.

"No it's alright Mrs Tripe, I have a change of clothes," I say, holding up my overnight bag. She smiles and offers to make me some tea which I decline.

My best friend's parents are always polite and friendly towards me, whereas my Dad is the complete opposite. Whereas Luke's parents don't mind me staying a night, two nights (hell, I could probably stay a week if I wanted) my Dad won't even let Luke sleep on the couch overnight. He has all these stupid rules laid down over how long he can stay (no later than tea) and about keeping the door open, yada yada yada. Even though I'm seventeen in three months time my Dad still sees me as his baby girl.

I grab the towel off of the rack and attempt to wrap it around myself, despite me realising (too late) that it is only a hand towel.

"Er... Luke?" I yell from the bathroom.

There is no reply. Should I just risk it? Urgh. I grimace inside at how cliche this all is. My situation is almost identical to all of the chick flicks Marissa reads whenever I'm at her house - the ones where the extremely beautiful and athletic blonde is caught naked after a shower by her crush and they end up making out together.

Except in my case, I'm the ordinary looking brunette and the chances of my 'crush' wanting to make out with me (naked or not) are around nil to one.

Ah well, what's the worst that could happen?

I run out of the bathroom and into the hallway, and before I can make a beeline for Luke's bedroom I crash into someone and we both fall onto the floor.

"What the fuck-?"





Well this isn't my most embarrassing moment.

Lily screeches in my ear so loudly I swear I am scared for a moment that I have lost my hearing.

I spot Luke peering around his door at the end of the hallway but instead of going back into his room out of common decency he stands there smirking so I grab the nearest thing at hand and throw it at him. He catches the towel easily and I freeze, realising what it is I've just thrown.


Why me?

There is an awkward silence as I sit on the floor, Lily screams in absolute horror and Luke oogles me before turning away in shame.

"Pass me the towel," I growl, and he does so without hesitation, sensing my mood. I wrap it around myself firmly and push past him into his room.

"Out," I whisper. He exits.

I shudder and quickly dry myself, before pulling on my pyjamas and sitting on his bed. I gaze around the room, looking for Luke's jar.

Luke has a jar, specifically a Jelly Bean jar, that I gave to him for his fifteenth birthday, in which Luke keeps his sweets. Because Luke doesn't like candy, I usually end up eating them all, but he doesn't seem to mind. I spot it on the top shelf of his book case and huff a little as he knows it is too high for me.

I walk over to it and attempt to balance myself on the bottom shelf and reach up, but it is still a little too high. Extending my arm further I almost have it within my grasp when I feel the whole structure sway and tilt backwards. I swing my arms out wildly and close my eyes tight, expecting to hit the ground any minute...

An arm wraps itself around my waist and another hand steadies the shelf firmly, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Honestly, one of these days you will be the death of me, Jessica Nate!" Luke laughs, and I shrug nonchalantly, as though I have done no wrong.

Suddenly he scoops me up and carries me over to his bed. He places me down carefully and I struggle to sit up. "But Luke I wanted the jar..." I whine, holding my arms out and willing the sweets to fly into my hands. He chuckles lightly and swings me over his shoulder, before going over and easily picking the jar up.

Luke is easily one of the tallest people I know. At six foot four, with rough dark brown hair, sparkling green eyes and a muscular attire, it's easy to see why every girl in the town wants him, including me.

But Luke doesn't seem to want... Anyone.

"Who do you like?" I ask him absent-mindedly, while we are sat on his bed watching Hot Fuzz later on. I have my hand stuck in his Jelly Bean jar, and Luke is lying on his front with his head in his hands. He turns to me, curiosity burning in his eyes.


"I don't mean, like, anyone in particular," I stutter, back tracking furiously. "I mean, like, what kind of girl do you like. Like, hair colour-"

"Brown," he says almost immediately. I check him for a minute to see is if he is messing with me but I can see he is deadly serious.

I feel my cheeks glow with happiness at this and allow a smug smile to slip onto my face. I twine my dark brown curls around my hands quietly.

"Eye colour?"

"Hmm. Blue. Blue or brown." Yes! Blue for the win.

"Body shape?"

"Don't really mind. Curvy. Stick thin is just unnatural."

"Personality?" This would be the part I would fail completely on.

Because who in their right mind would say they wanted a fiery, over-confident, brazen and bossy girl like me? Especially Luke. Our personalities completely clashed. He is a Taurus, I am a Sagittarius. The two don't go at all well together.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how we managed to become friends in the first place. And to have gone through almost two years together without having one serious argument is almost unheard of...

Ok, so there is the occasional tiff, like when he steals all my chips at the school cantine, and when I forget my notes to class and have to borrow his, but there has never been anything serious.

"Well... She has to be a good listener. And be able to have a good laugh. And make me sandwiches," he pauses and smirks at me, and I punch him in the arm.

"You're so terrible."

"You love it," he says winking and I hit him again before lying down next to him and resting my head on his shoulder.

I wake up to my phone quietly buzzing in my pocket, and check it to see five missed calls from my Dad.

"Oh no," I say groggily, struggling to sit up and get out of the bed. Luke is still fast asleep, snoring loudly with his mouth wide open, and drool dripping out.


I pick up the phone and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Hello?"

"Home. Now," is the reply.


Question: Thoughts on Luke so far?

Thanks to everyone who commented/ voted on the last chapter! :)

Morgan xox

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