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Okay, so this idea has been playing over and over in our minds for a while. We've talked about it many many times, but never really got down to it. So since we started our fic last night we're already getting loads of votes and comments on our writing (let's thank Rebel_Girl for that), and we just thought that we might use the chance to publish another book. We just wrote it on the spot, with no notes or anything, so the future of it is uncertain. But we do hope you'll enjoy it! It's a LOT different from our other fic, so sorry if you're following us but aren't into these kind of things! :/

This particular chapter is written by Aphrodite. Loosely based on the lovely story of Red Riding Hood. Well, the movie Little Red Riding Hood especially, but you probably might not notice it throughout reading the story. ANYWAYS this authors note has been waaay too long. Here comes the actual story

  There was nothing weird about it. Not, I meant not. There was nothing not weird about it. 

  You know all these stories you’d read when you were little, those sweet fairytales which always seemed to have a happy ending? If you do, than you probably remember the fact that about every single one of them seemed to happen in the woods. Red riding hood, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Jack and the Beanstalk -well, not quite-, Robin Hood, Three Little Pigs, Tom Thumb. Maybe it’s because back in the days when people didn’t chop down all the beautiful trees all the characters had to live in the woods or it wouldn’t make any sense, but even if it wasn’t supposed to, the whole nature part made the kids so much more enthusiastic over the story. Because they knew. They knew how exciting the woods were. They like the woods. But the thing is, the woods were the only thing Harry, Louis , Liam and Niall knew.

  They were eighteen. Eighteen and didn’t know that beyond these woods there was a different world. A world where people would walk down catwalks and red carpets, would watch the TV, would sing these highly electrical songs about love and have them played in the radio. They just weren’t aware of those things. That’s why friendship, curiosity and intelligence was a good thing for them. You see, they lived inside the woods. It wasn’t like those small villages you’d drive past when you’re in the countryside, it was their small town inside the woods which nobody knew of. I guess it was a fair trade. They didn’t know about anybody, and nobody knew about them, so it should’ve been fair, right? Well, it wasn’t. Because kids like you and me, we know things, he have the TV and the computers and the bestselling books. We know about counties and cities like Paris, New York, London, Tokyo. Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall didn’t. So saying that it was ‘fair’ was utter bullshit. But their parents weren’t the one to blame, nor their uncles or grandparents. No. Not a single person there knew about the outside world. For them there were woods, water, forests, mountains and that’s it. Not houses with large windows, absolutely ridiculous styled clothing, things that allowed you to talk to people on the other side of the globe, nor good music. And well, you can only blame the past for that.

  As everyone is aware of, every single country has their own myth. Their stories talk about mermaids, vampires, werewolves, demons, goblins, trolls, elves, basically every single being that can give you the chills. But do they actually believe in it? No. They don’t. There are very few people from the outside world whom actually expect a demon to knock on their door, and for that people call them crazy. They ask, hey, why do you have so many crucifixes hanging on the walls? Why is there salt in your windowsill? Why does your house smell like garlic? And I guess if I saw a person like that, I would most likely think they were mad. But what if, what if there are actually things like these out there? Hiding in the shadows of every street, in every forest, maybe even in your closet? If that’s a topic you enjoy, then you and I have a lot in common. Both with each other and Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall. Those four boys. They didn’t get the chance to obsess over people like Justin Bieber or Beyonce. So instead, they’ve found themselves interested in the uncertain. The things that might just possibly be out there. It could be hiding in the always persistent snow outside, or the cold October woods. Who knows, there might be some creeping in the clear water further in the forest too. That’s the way Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall liked to think.

  Because while you get Harry Potter, they get the book of Mystical beings. You get Lord of the Rings, they get a list of every creature that might hide out there and how to protect yourself from them. You get books by Stephen King, they get old tales of men who walked into the woods and never came back. You dream of a perfect boy with a nice face and a nice body, they dream of a beautiful dark creature with vile ways of living.

  You grew up the cold of January, the warmth of April, the heat of July, the cold of December. They grew up in October.

Okay, so what do you all think? Is it too much? Is it cool? Should we continue? Would anyone actually read this?

Puh-lease let us know in the comments or by voting so we can be sure that there's someone interested.

But to sum the story up it's basically about Werewolves, Mermaids, SIRENS, Demons, Vampires, whatever exciting thing we can find in the book. By the way, I wrote Sirens with capital letters because one of us is named Siren.... if you didn't know that.... woo. And to be honest, we wouldn't even know there were creatures named Sirens if we hadn't been searching the meaning of our names on google. Haha. Ha. Ha. We're lame. (The name Siren conveys the idea of a hyper-sexual temptress - not a good image for a child, one that will doubtless cause trauma to a teen and the type of name that keeps an adult from being taken seriously - HAHAHAH SIREN YOU'RE LIKE A STRIPPER. Wait, here's an even better definition; The Greek sirens (origin for the word 'siren') have been vastly romanticized. They weren't beautiful women with alluring voices, but rather beasts with a woman's head and a birds bod. - HAHAH this is why Siren doesn't like her name (or me, for that fact))

- Aphrodite xx (read the text above if you wan't to know what an unattractive meaning Siren's name has)

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