Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Danielle’s P.O.V

Finally, I’m here in London. The place I’ve always wanted to visit for years and years. I was walking down the long road, the Mal, I think it’s called. Buckingham Palace is in sight. I was always fascinated with the royal family and Buckingham Palace, it looked amazing on the TV and even more amazing in real life. I was bubbly chatting to my mum, she was excited too. We had both planned this trip to London for years. We only arrived yesterday and the Palace was the first place we were going. I had only seen a tiny part of London and I loved it already!

Suddenly, my mum just froze to the spot and completely zoned out. “Mum, mum, Mum what’s wrong” I stammered. Mum just suddenly dropped to the ground. I let out a frightened scream; I dropped to my knees and started shaking my mum’s shoulders. The tears started flowing out of my hazel brown eyes. She had her eyes firmly shut and wasn’t responding to me. A security guard noticed what was happening and he ran over to us. He pulled out his phone and rang for an ambulance.

After what felt like hours, an ambulance arrived and the hauled mum onto a stretcher and carried her into the ambulance. I demanded that I went in the ambulance with her. When we arrived at the hospital, I was directed to sit down on a row of chairs. I was waiting for hours. I nervously fiddled with my phone. I couldn’t ring anyone. I couldn’t go back home. My dad has re-married so many times that I’ve lost count. I don’t even know where in the world he is, he left me and my mum when I was three. My only uncle and auntie live in Portugal.

Eventually, after hours of waiting and waiting, a nurse told me that I was allowed to go in and visit my mum. I was horrified. I could see pipes and tubes coming from every other direction. Mum lay flat on the bed and she had a large oxygen mask on with big green tubes coming out of it. There were countless machines around her all beeping in sync. I was in a zombie-like daze. I slowly walking over to my mum and grabbed her hand. I couldn’t take this anymore, I just completely broke down, I knelt at the edge of the bed and cried and cried till there were no tears left. I couldn’t lose my mum, she was my everything, she wasn’t only my mum, she was my best friend, she supported me through everything. We stuck together no matter what, I just couldn’t lose her.

I sat in the uncomfortable chair beside mum; I was never going to leave her side. I began to drift off the sleep when a nurse walked in. “Are you Mrs Smith’s daughter?” the nurse asked. I gulped and nodded. “Doctor Carter would like to speak to you” the nurse smiled. I nodded and followed the young nurse, her blonde ponytail swishing as she walked. She softly rapped on the door and opened it ushering me in.

A serious looking man in his mid forties sat behind a large desk. He gestured towards the two black chairs in front of his desk. I quickly sat down, twiddling my thumbs in anticipation. Mum was going to get better, wasn’t she? She can’t just die.

“Danielle,” Doctor Carter began, “I am very sorry, but your mother has suffered a severe heart attack.” My stomach plummeted. “She drifted into a coma shortly after arriving here, we have done everything we have possibly can and we have put her on life support.” Doctor Carter stated. I felt completely numb. I was too shocked to cry, too shocked to even move. “We will know within six days if she will ever come out of a coma or not” Doctor Carter finished. “Thank you Doctor” I croaked. I slowly got up and walked out of the room and over to my mum’s room.

An hour later, it began to get dark outside. A nurse walked in to check on my mum. “Who else is with you on this trip?” she asked. “Just me and mum” I replied curtly. I was still so shocked from the news earlier his exact words “if she will ever come out of a coma or not” were bouncing around in my head. “Where is your dad, do you want me to ring him for you?” the nurse smiled. I shook my head “I... I don’t have a dad, it’s just me and mum” I murmured. The nurse nodded her head, “Danielle, because we don’t know when your mum will ever wake up or not, we need to call social services” the nurse sighed. “Please, nurse, just let me stay with her for a week, then the doctor said they will have a better idea, please!” I begged. “Where are you staying?”  She asked. “The Premier Inn in Croydon” I replied. “Well, that is literally across the road, if you want to stay with your mum for the week, I could get a nurse to walk you to and from the hospital every morning and evening” the nurse said. “Could you really do that? That would be perfect” I cried. “Yes, I’ll get one of the porters to walk you home now; you’ve had a long day. Do you have a mobile number that I could contact you with?” the nurse asked. I nodded and gave her my number and I headed back to the hotel for the night. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep, today had been so eventful. I was so worried about mum, I really needed her to get better, and I can’t live without her.

~~~~~ One Week Later ~~~~~

Every single day was the same routine, get up go to the hospital and then come back to the hotel. Nothing had changed; mum still was on life support. I was starting to lose hope. The nurse called me into the doctor’s office that afternoon. “Hello Danielle” the doctor smiled. “Hello” I croaked. I took a seat in front of the desk. Doctor Carter’s smile soon turned into a frown. “I’m afraid it’s bad news, Danielle” Doctor Carter began. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Danielle, as you know, your mum suffered a serious heart attack. I’m really sorry, but your mother will never come out of a coma, the only thing that is keeping her alive is the machines.” I let a tear fall down my cheek. I was never one to make a big fuss of things and draw attention to myself; I wasn’t planning in going into a full-blown meltdown. “If it is okay with you, we are going to turn off the machines in an hour’s time. Do you know how you want your mother’s remains to be disposed of?” Doctor Carter asked. I had talked about this before with my mum, I knew she wanted to be cremated. Doctor Carter said that he would make all the necessary arrangements. He also said that I would be going to an orphanage on the outskirts on London tomorrow. I wasn’t pleased with this idea, but I have no choice.

The news that Doctor Carter gave me earlier still hasn’t sunk in. I have been sitting beside mum’s bed for 45 minutes now. They were coming in 15 minutes to turn off the machines. I walked over to my mum’s body and held onto her hand. “Well mum, I guess this is goodbye” I began. I clutched onto her hand tightly, I started talking to her about all the amazing memories that we have had together. I started to cry as I remembered all the amazing memories we had together. “I will never ever forget you or our memories together. I love you to the ends of the earth, mum. I love you.” I whispered as I finished. 

Soon, Doctor Carter walked in. He gave me a nod and I nodded back. I knew this was the best thing for mum, she has had a peaceful ending and she will never be forgotten. I clasped onto her hand and the tears rolled freely down my face. All of a sudden the beeping of the machines stopped. I couldn’t believe it, she was gone, and she was never coming back. I slowly let go of her cold hand and sat down on the chair. I felt completely empty inside.

I was brought back to the hotel to pack my stuff and I would be taken to the orphanage tomorrow.

*A/N: So this is the first chapter in my new fanfic! I put the prologue up ages ago and last night it suddenly got like 200 reads and 8 votes, I swear I nearly died on the spot! Union J aren’t in the story yet, but I promise they will be in the next chapter.

Feel free to follow me on twitter @5SOS_xox I’ll follow back.

I’m going to be really mean and ask for 5 votes and 2 comments until I upload the next chapter.

:) xo

It's Okay To Be Afraid, But It Will Never Be The Same (Adopted by Union J)Where stories live. Discover now