Chapter One

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“Don’t wanna be an American Idiot! One nation controlled by the media! Information age of hysteria is going out to Idiot America!” I woke up from my very pleasant dream to the sound of my idiot brother’s ring tone and groaned as I rolled over.  Why he decided to call me at 11 o’clock in the morning was beyond me because he knew very well I wouldn’t be awake yet! Sometimes that boy amazes me with the things he chooses to overlook…like the fact I am going to kill him for waking me up!

                I grabbed my phone and answered waiting for my brother to talk without even saying hello. I waited for a few seconds then finally heard his annoying voice that wasn’t normally annoying, but it was at this point in time because he had just woke me up.

                “Hello and good morning my wonderful sister who I know is annoyed beyond belief at me right now for waking her up!” I could hear the smile in his words and so bad wanted to punch him right then and there.

                “Hello my annoying brother who is absolutely correct for the first time in his life! And what is so good about this morning, huh?” I could almost hear him rolling his eyes at me through the phone.

                “Well, dear sister, I have been right before, and there are plenty things good about this morning! Like the fact I am about an hour or two away from your house because I am coming to visit you!” My jaw dropped and I was speechless. I must have heard him wrong because I could have sworn I heard him say he was coming to visit. That should be impossible because last time I checked he was in California doing something I don’t really know and he was working non-stop!

“Did I hear you wrong or did you say you are coming to visit?” I asked in disbelief.

“No, you heard right, I am coming to visit my dear sister! I haven’t seen you in awhile so I decided it was high time! See you soon! Byeee Eliza!” And then he hung up on me. That little butt munch hung up on me. Oh well, I really didn’t want to talk anyway.

                I slowly got out of bed and messily made it. I didn’t even bother to get dressed before walking down stairs in my house and making myself a bowl of cereal. I wasn’t really the type of person that loved to be up early in the morning or even late in the morning and I had a habit of not getting dressed until absolutely needed. But that was okay because I loved my pajamas, which were fuzzy pants of some sort and a band t-shirt of some sort; I didn’t have company over very often except for my best friend Faith; and I worked from home.

                After I was finished eating my brunch I decided to call Faith and tell her to come over so I wouldn’t be alone when my brother got here with his friends. I walked over to my home phone and dialed Faith’s number. She answered on the third ring.

                “Hello?” she answered sounding way more awake than me.

                “Hey Faith! You should come over today! My brother is coming in town and will be here in less than two hours. He is also bringing friends. You should really come over and save me from being the only sane person in my home in two hours!”

                “Okay, no problem Eliza! I will be over in about 30 minutes. I still have to get ready for the day and it takes about five minutes to get to your house by walking and I don’t want to drive so that is what I am doing.” I rolled my eyes at her and said okay. That girl normally doesn’t like walking but my guess is she really doesn’t want to but her car broke down again. I am going to make it my personal goal to get her a car for her birthday or something! I swear, 25 years old and she still has a sucky car!

My Brother Comes To Visit (Green Day)Where stories live. Discover now