Chapter 29

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Yo yo yo what's the dealio? (sorry feeling a little gangster)😜

Salaaaam! I am so excited because I didn't plan to update, but I did, and I can bet you're all very excited/surprised/happy, like me!!! 

This chapter was really easy to write, it just flowed so naturally alhamdulillah! So I hope you guys enjoy this super early unexpected update since you've all been begging for one! See how nice I am? 😎

Dedicated to loverbone12 for being so friendly and chatting to me! Don't be afraid to PM me if you want to talk or get to know me because I definitely would love to get to know you guys! Seriously, you're all so awesome for reading this story - seriously. God bless you all ❤


"I think you should stop your volunteer work at the hospital."

As soon as Baba said those words, my spoon dropped to the plate. On the ride home from the hospital, Baba had been awfully quiet and I sensed some tension. Zaid had made it his duty to wait with me until Baba came to pick me up, since it was dark when our shifts were over and he wanted to make sure I was safe. But when I slipped into the front seat Baba had a slight frown between his thick eyebrows and I saw him eyeing Zaid suspiciously, even though Zaid was the least suspicious person I knew.

"Why?" I inquired, although I was sure I knew the answer to this.

"Because it has been interfering with your studies," Baba reasoned.

I frowned. That wasn't what I thought he would say. "I have plenty of time for my studies. My shifts haven't affected my performance at school, Baba, so don't worry about that."

Baba exchanged a look with Mama, who looked equally as concerned. My eyes flitted to Nasr, and even Zeinab, but they didn't seem to know what was going on, just innocently chewing their food. Mama made a pot of beans and we were eating it with pita bread and tabbouleh. I wished I could continue to enjoy the food too without worrying about what my parents were trying to tell me.

"You've been spending time with Zaid alone, Mariam, and you know very well that when a man and woman are alone together –"

"Shaytaan is the third company, yes, Immi, I know," I sighed, glancing down at my beans. "But wallahi, there is nothing –"

"We know you are a good, respectable girl, Mariam and as much as we trust you, we have to protect you from anything that could be haram," Baba interrupted. "And that definitely includes boys."

"But –"

"I know we've kept a blind eye for a while, but I think it's time you realize you are at an age where men can propose to you, and you need to keep yourself completely pure, and that means keeping yourself from being alone with a boy without our supervision," Baba continued.

"How about Theo?" Zeinab asked, butting in as usual.

"Theo doesn't count," Nasr chuckled.

"Actually, he does," I said tentatively. "But I'm not interested in him that way, nor will I ever be."

"We can trust you with Theo because you are with other people, so you are not alone with him," Mama said firmly. "But Zaid..."

I turned to Baba with pleading eyes. "Baba, you said you liked him. Just by looking at him, you said he seemed like a good guy. Why are you suddenly changing your mind?"

Baba shook his head. "No, Mariam, I am not changing my mind, I am making sure nothing happens between you two that shouldn't, especially when..."

"When what?" I urged.

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