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"Why am I so--" sniffle sniffle "--sick??" You cough and hack, doubling over in pain as the movements cause your insides to ache. Causing your eyes to water. "I called him," sniffle, "explaining," sniffle, "that I was in extreme danger." You spoke to no one but your stuffed bear. "Where are you when I actually need y--" "OH MY GOD!!" You scram at the sound of the door being demolished by gunshots and a katana, then a familiar huge red boot kicking it down, "I'm coming! Hold on, babe!" The mercenary stomped down the door with a third and final kick. "What the hell? Why did you just destroy my door?" You ask once the door falls, barely registering the fact that he was actually, physically, really in front of you. "What happened? Where's the danger?" He questions, looking around while hugging your face and squishing your cheeks. "The only danger," sniffle, cough cough, "here is my throat and lungs and nose and every muscle in my body." He steps away from you quietly. "I'm sick." He steps away from you even further. "Sick, how?" You simply gesture to the side of the couch with tissues overflowing the bin next to it, empty water bottles, and blankets galore. "Cold?" You nod, "cold."He set his weapons down and grabbed your face, touching your cheeks, temples and forehead with the back of his hand. "You're hot!" "Heh," sniffle, "I guess I am." "Not that hot, like you literally burned through my glove." He examines his burnt glove and turns his hand for you to see. "And that hot," he adds with a smirk. He had tucked you in and told you to stay put while he fixed the door with a makeshift alternative consisting of a blanket and two nails. He also looked through your cabinets in search of a cure.b"Hey babe?" "Yeah?" "Where's the garlic?" "Don't have any. Wait, why do you want garlic? Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Cough, wheeze. "Absolutely no idea." "Here you go, steamed dumplings." He handed you the warm bowl. You eyed the lump in the plastic bag he didn't even bother to tell you about. You can't help but think of what might be in there. "Steamed dumplings? Where did you get them?" You asked, already stuffing your face with the soul-soothing fluffiness. "Deathstrike may be a bitch, but goddamn does she know good food." He joins in on the fun.

"Do dumplings cure colds?" He asked from behind the bowl hopefully.

"Nope." You smiled. Cough.

Cough, cough.

"Ooh! Ooh! I got it! How about a movie? Movies make everyone feel better." He turns to you, already scrolling through Netflix. He stops scrolling and turns to you, gasping, "Death Note."


"Aw, why not?"

"Because, watching some show about killing people will not make anyone feel better! Except you." Sniffle.

"Alright, alright. How about... Silence of the Lambs? Snowpiercer? I heard that one's good. The main guy looks familiar. Or American Horror Story?"

"Ooooookay, that's enough of Netflix for you buddy." You took the remote away from him and face-planted back to the sofa, turning your face back to the screen and finally selecting a movie.

After Ponyo was done, Wade suggested Contagion.

"Are you mental? You do know that I am sick right? Don't you know how messed up that movie'll get me?"

"Yes, yes, and no, that's why I want to find out."

"Well, I want to watch The Lord of The Rings."

"But that's for old people."

"Says the practically ageless man. Anyway, it has a TON of chicks." Sniffle. Cough, wheeze. "You'll like it."

"It was a total sausage-fest! You lied!" He whined and pouted.

"Yes I did." You smile to yourself, blowing your nose into a tissue. "You don't know how to look after sick people, do you?"

"Nope. It's been so long since I was actually sick, I pretty much forgot how to deal with the stuff. You know, cause my--"

"Healing factor. Yeah, I've heard it before. Lucky bastard."

He smiled but it was gone just as quick as it appeared.

Did you always suffer like this when you were sick?

"Alright, I think I'm getting better." You finally get up off the couch after the movie marathon with the Merc that lasted about ten hours, and your brain was fried. You were gonna get some much needed sleep.

"You sure?" He got up and grabbed your shoulders.

"Yeah, you've been a great help. And I think the dumplings actually did the job." You reach up and hug his neck, "Thank you for coming by." You gave him a peck on his mask right above the corner of his lip. He smiled and embraced you, "No problem, babe. Always here for you." He rested his face on the crown of your head, relishing every second. You hated to have him leave but didn't want to force him to stay with you all sick and stuffy. He said he was always there for you. When he left out the 'door', you immediately felt empty. But you look back to the plastic bag he'd left and take out the lump that was in it. 'I knew you'd miss me, so I got you a mini-pool! Not an actual small-sized pool... A tiny me! Don't mind the little cut on his stomach, Wolvie did that. He got really angry this one time I replaced his shaving cream for whipped cream. Anyway, I'm always here for you.' You hugged the fluffy doll all night, dreaming happy thoughts. You didn't have to worry any longer. He was always there for you.

Deadpool x Reader {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now