33. Homework

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You go to school for fucking 6 1/2 hours, constantly taking it up the ass (figuratively) from dickhead students and fucktard teachers. Then you go home, which SHOULD be time that doesn't involve learning shit you don't care about. But no, these cunt-ass teachers will not accept only 6 1/2 hours of torturing you. They crave more. So they unload a huge amount of this ass discharge they call homework on you. It can range from a simple math worksheet with joke you must fill in when you're done (no biggie) to a fucking ton of work containing bookwork, projects, unfinished classwork, studying for a test you know you're going to fail either way, and book reports on a book you didn't care to read. And these teachers are clever too. If you spent fucking hours on this shit and ended up going to sleep at 4 in the motherfucking morning, these assrammers won't even check the damn homework the next day. Oh, but if you forgot to note down the homework, did the wrong page, or just didn't give two shits about it and didn't do it, the assholes will ask you turn it in. All in all, school sucks, classwork sucks, teachers suck, students suck, and homework is the fucking scum of the earth.

I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now, which is a research paper on a book I didn't have the time to read (assigned by old bitch Goodman) and to study for a math test I'm probably going to bomb anyway (given by fat slut Preston). Except I don't give two shits about it, so I'm writing a definition for Urban Dictionary. What? You think I should be doing my homework instead of writing this wordy definition that probably no one will read? Well fuck you then, you can kiss my ass.

Definition made by: Grand Lizard Theodore
Created: September 17, 2006

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