{1} Snowed In Love

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YES!!! My parents are leaving! They are going on a trip to Alaska for a month. Let me repeat that; A FRIKIN MONTH! Yes I have to babysit my sister, but she's such a doll! I love her to death. She's 1 and a half and starting to talk. One word that she's got down is chocolate. That's my girl. I love anything sweet, especially chocolate!

But anyways my parents are packing right now to be on their way. This is awesome for me because now I get to run the house. I'm not going to do some stupid teen crap and throw a huge party or anything but it doesn't mean I'm not going to have some people over. I'm 17 for goodness sakes. I need social interaction! But it's hard to get it when you live in the middle of nowhere!

"Evelyn! Where's my light green top? I know you have it!" Oh crap!!! I wore that last night when I went to the movies. That top always makes my eyes pop! I have these weird bright green eyes. They seriously pop out at you! But when I got home last night I forgot to put it back in my mom's room.

"Sorry mom! I'll go get it." I ran up to my room, when I got there I took a quick look out the window and noticed it was starting to get really cloudy. O my gosh maybe it will snow!!! Yay!

"Here you go." I said handing my mom the shirt.

"Next time tell me when you borrow my stuff."

"I will." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Alright well we'll be leaving in about 30 minutes. Are you sure that you will be okay here with your sister?"

"Mom I'm seventeen. I'll be fine." I said trying to reassure her so she doesn't call my grandma to come watch us. *shudders*

"Evie!" I heard my little sister call from her room. I quickly ran over and found her sitting there with her dolls.

"What do you need Abby?"


"No not right now. Mommy and daddy are about to leave."

"No. Play."

"Do you want to come with me to say good bye?" Whenever I talked about her coming with me anywhere she always got excited. She smiled and I went to pick her up. We walked out to where mom and dad were. They were putting stuff in the car.

"Oh abby! I'm going to miss you precious." My mom came running up and took her from me.

"bye mommy." My mom gave her one last big hug then handed her off to my dad.

"Bye Evelyn. I'm going to miss you too." My mom gave me a big hug. "A month is way too long to be away from my babies." She kissed my forehead. She treats me like such a child sometimes.

"Mom I'm going to miss you too, but if you haven't noticed I'm not a baby anymore." She laughed and gave me one last hug before she went to get in the car. My dad came up and handed Abby to me.

"Have fun running the house butterfly."

"Daaaaad." I whined.

"I'm sorry Eve. But no matter how old you get you will always be my butterfly."

"I love you dad but you act as if you're going off to die. It's only a month and we'll talk on the phone. Don't worry."

"Haha be good, and watch your sister. Bye." He ran off and got in the car. Finally I'm on my own.

I went back inside and set my sister on the carpet in the living room. Well the only downer to this is I'm all alone. That's depressing.

I decided to call my best friend Amanda to see if she wanted to spend the night to night. 5 rings then voicemail. I decided against leaving a message. I sighed. Well this sucks. I called one of my other friends. Caylie. She picked up!


"Hey Caylie."

"Oh hey Eve." Only my mom calls me by my full name, everyone else calls me Eve.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over?"

"I would love to, but my mom is making me go with the family to my aunt and uncles house."

"Oh. What time will you be back?"

"3 days. They live 6 hours away."

"Oh that sucks."

"Yeah it really does." Then I heard her mom in the background yelling at her to get off the phone and pack.

"I'm sorry Eve, but I gotta go."

"It's fine I hope you have fun."



Great now I have nothing to do and I'm bored as hell with a 1 year old girl.

Lovely combination. *sarcasm*

**Hey this is my first story hope you liked the first chapter!**

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