Through The Moonlight

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I sat on the edge of my bed listening to the sound of waves crashing against

the ocean shore. The clock on my bedside table read 11:30. I had just about half an hour before i needed to be awake to re-energize. I quietly crept to my bathroom and closed the door behind me. I flipped on the light, stepped toward the sink, turned the Faust on, splashed my face with cold water and looked in the mirror. My dark hair was still wet from my shower that I took nearly 5 hours ago. I walked out of my bathroom. The clock read 11:45. I made sure my necklace was still hanging around my neck, climbed out my window and walked to the beach.

The ocean glistened under the bright full moon.

I stepped forward wading knee deep into the water and relaxed my body. The moon looked so big it was almost as if I could reach out and touch it. Nights like this really made me home sick. I could almost point out the space station I left the moon from.

About a year ago i left home looking for something different. I moved in 

with my Uncle and his family on earth. It’s a lot different then living on the moon. The earth is much larger and the people are more diverse. Different languages, Countries, wars with people from  the same planet. We might not all look the same on Luna but we are one race.

Some days i don't understand why we have to hide our races existence. We’re really not that different in the ways that count. For the most part we look the same, we eat similar foods and, if we get up at midnight on every full moon, we have no problem living in this atmosphere. My uncle has been here long enough that he has adapted to the oxygen levels and rarely has to draw energy and air from our climate.

When i first got here it took me a while to get used to not having a slight blue tinge to my skin tone. immediately after entering earths exosphere i  was just  pale tan. It took me a few minutes to stop looking at my self and go back to looking out the window.

 As i walked back toward the house i couldn’t shake the feeling that

someone was watching me. I looked around in all direction but didn’t see anything odd. Maybe i was just being paranoid but, just to be safe, i jogged the rest of the distance between me and my house.

            Crawling back into the window i looked over our back yard one last time then closed and locked it behind me.I stopped in front of my bed side table and picked up the latest family photo we took on the moon. My parents had insisted that before i left we absolutely had to get a picture of all of us together. My mom wanted us to wear matching shirts. It would have been fine with me, had they been decent looking. The shirts she chose, however, were so ugly even a  clown wouldn’t have worn them.  My solution, i offered to wash them. They shrank until even my dads shirt was to small for my little sister. After apologizing i told my mom i would find something for us to wear and that she need not worry. My sister and i wore matching white dresses with soft lace around the bottom and a halter top that gave them a summer look. My dads blue button up shirt really brought out his zaffre colored eyes and mom, who sat beside him, wore a blue satin dress. In the end the picture turned out great and everyone was happy. I sighed setting the picture back down on the table. 

I crawled back into bed and pulled the covers up around me, burring my face in my pillow. I started falling asleep, my eyelids getting heavy, when something started pounding on my window. I jumped out of bed, my heart almost beating through my chest and looked out into the black night. Standing outside my window, shivering in the cool night air, was my little sister Amera. I threw the window open and helped her in.

            “How did you get here”. I finally asked after the shock started fading.

“The same way you did”. She smiled looking around my room. “This is nice.” She sat down on my bed, bouncing up and down a few times. “You were right, i love the ocean.” Thanks to satellites, communication between the earth and the moon is easy. Even better we get good reception.

“Do mom and dad know your here.” My sister, like me, inherited the adventurous gene from our dad. We are always ready to try something different and when i had decided i was coming to Earth she wanted to go too. Our parents, however, thought she was to young. At the time i was 16 and she was 11. That was only seven months ago and i seriously doubted that they would have changed there minds so quickly.

“Arn’t you happy to see me?” Her smile turned in to a frown.

“Of coarse i am.” I walk forward and wrapped my arms around her.

“But, just for curiosities sake, what would you do if i said no?”  I sat down next to her and thought it over.

“You have to call and tell them tomorrow but for now lets just get some sleep.”

That night i fell asleep listening to the waves crashing against the distance shore. 

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