Chapter 1: My school

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It was 7:30am. And that meant, yes, I was late. A groan escaped my mouth and I literally slid off my bed. I probably looked like crap, but I forced myself to pull on my dark sailors uniform, anyway. I had this uniform for a while now and I couldn't believe I was already in Yr 2 of Junior high. I then pulled my hair into a tight ponytail, and looked in the small mirror to make sure my hair wasn't bothering me. It was part of the dress code, and I had to follow it.

"Good morning Yuka!" My mum said in a heartily tone.
She was always cheery in the morning. My mom had dark brown eyes, much like mine, and I often went to her when I was stuck on my homework.

"Hi-" I startled myself with my deep voice.
I must have caught the flu or something. I cleared my throat and tried again.

"hi mum" 

After going to the kitchen, I multitasked as I poured myself a cup of green tea, and grabbed the toast out of the toaster.
After I put my toast on a plate, I spread some jam on it and sat in my normal seat at the table. The television was already on and the local news started blaring out of  it.

"today it will be twenty degrees and slightly warmer than yesterday"

I resumed eating my toast as fast as I could and stared at the clock. 8:00am.
My bag was upstairs.

Dang it!

I rushed upstairs, found my bag, and filled it with text books I was going to use today. It mostly consisted of Japanese, science, math, and of course, history.
Because I definitely loved that.
I swung the bag over one shoulder and grunted at how heavy it was.

I said goodbye to my mum, and rushed out the door.

On the way to school, I looked left and right. Students were walking in all directions, headed to the massive building that looked more like a prison than a school.

Don't get me wrong, I liked school. It was cool that I could speak Japanese and be able to communicate with the students there.


I hated how I was different.

After I saw the students, I was a little at ease as I saw that I was not late. It took me three minutes to reach school so I wasn't that worried anyway.

I changed my outside shoes to my inside ones and walked up the stairs to my classroom.

" good morning" I mumbled to no one in particular as I walked to my table.

I dumped my extremely heavy bag onto my desk and started getting ready. I opened up my bag and stuffed all of its continents inside my desk. I then hung my bag on the hook that was connected to the desk and looked around.

There were students milling around but, only 17 were present. I was on the early side. Which meant that I had time to get my book out and read.

The day was an ordinary one.

We did some learning, a 10 minute break, and then back to learning. We repeated this for four periods and then we had lunch. We didn't move classes at all and all of us sat still through the lessons.
What sucked was that our seats were arranged by the teachers so we HAD to sit next to a person.
Your seat basically determined if you had a good semester or not. It was stupid, but it was true. Luckily, I was next to one of the lesser annoying guys, so the semester didn't look that bad.

Once it was recess, I looked around for Tana. She was "evil" and I wanted to avoid her as much as possible. We had a bad history together and I didn't like her at all.

" nice socks, Yuka" she snarked.

I looked at my socks which were white with two black stripes on them. The school didn't allow them but I hoped to go unnoticed. If this was an English environment I could have easily retorted back.
But it wasn't.
I hung my head low and struggled to find the words.

" I can easily tell on you." She continued in Japanese.

"No!! My mum would kill me" I said.

Tana just shrugged and walks back to her friends who gave her a high five.

I was filled with anger. I wanted to do something, anything.

"Let's go!" Hana said out of the blue.

Hana was my best friend. She was there for me and I counted on her to make sure my life wasn't going downhill.

" huh? Oh yeah I'm coming, wait up." I replied.

P.E sucked.
I was never much of a sport person, and I hated exercise. Except for certain sports, but that was beside the point.
We ran three laps, did some push-ups and played basketball.

Basketball. Out of all the sports.

My legs were shaking and I was sweating like crazy. To me, it was horrible. It was a painful 45 minutes, until the bell rang.
The end of school


I hope you liked my first chapter.
Wattpad is still very new to me and I'm not that used to writing stories.
If you like this so far, I will try to update as much as possible, but I can't make any promises.
Once again hope you guys enjoyed and I will try my best on writing more.

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