TWELVE Fantastic Feasts And Where To Find Them

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Eleanor and her gang were nowhere to be seen. I guessed they had cleared off when Filch came about. I headed back to the Transfiguration classroom in search of them. Luckily, I didn't have to go that far. I found them at the grand staircase, waiting. Eleanor was leaning against a railing, her arms folded. She spotted me and stood up straight.

"Well?" she asked. I handed her the diary. She smiled, looking satisfied.

"Well. I didn't think you were going to make it out," she replied. "I'm actually kind of impressed."

"Really?" I drawled. I certainly wasn't impressed with her. She smirked.

"But I still dislike you Castilian. It'll take more than that to make me like you." I didn't really care if she liked me or not. I just wanted to get to the feast.

"Where's my wand?" I asked.

"Oh, I left it somewhere up there," she pointed above her head, gesturing to the grand staircase. "You'd better hurry and find it before one of the staircases move and it falls down. It'll snap for sure if that happens."

My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe her. I'd have to search every staircase in order to find it! That was going to take forever, especially seeing as they moved. She laughed and walked off with her friends.

"Come on girls. I'm in the mood for some treacle," she said. Annoyed, I began heading up the staircase hurriedly, looking around to see if I could spot it.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned, slumping against the railing in fustration.

"Who? Me?" came a voice. I jumped, realizing a painting had just spoken to me. A man riding a horse looked down at me. I recovered my breath.

"No, not you," I said quickly. "Have you seen a wand anywhere?"

"I see wands every day," he replied. I groaned.

"No, I mean like, just lying around. Did you see those Slytherin girls hide wand anywhere?"

"I can't say that I have," he replied sadly. "I am Sir. Edmund Nightingale, a grand knight. I am known for my honorable acts of bravery. Not for paying attention to the whereabouts of little girl's wands."

"If you're a knight then perhaps you could help me look for it?" I suggested. "Knights are supposed to help people, right?"

He sighed. "The last time I helped someone I landed in Madam Pandora's bath and she wasn't impressed with me at all. I swore I would never help anyone again."

"But Sir, I'm going to be late to the Halloween feast. I really need to find my wand. Please, I'm begging you."

"Begging, you say. Well... Alright fine. Just this once," he said, the hint of a smiling growing on his lips. Perhaps he was waiting for me to beg him. Portraits were so weird...

"Right then, I suppose I could keep an eye out for it. Richard wants to take a gallop anyway," he said, patting the horse's mane. Richard neighed in agreement.

I headed up the stairs and they galloped into the next painting to keep up with me, startling an annoyed looking wizard who was taking a nap. We looked around as we climbed higher and higher.

"Young lady, could that be it there?" Sir Edmund asked, pointing. I looked and spotted my wand, teetering on the edge of a stair in the middle of a staircase.

"Yes! Oh thank you, Sir Edmund. You're a hero," I said, racing towards it.

"It was a pleasure, young lady," he replied, beaming. I watched him gallop off, only to leap from one painting right into a bath full of bubbles. An angry looking woman was splashed with water. She wiped it off her face and began to yell at them both.

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