Chapter 1

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The loud voice of the professor rang through the classroom, giving us permission to finally leave for lunch. Honestly, that felt like the longest hour I have ever, and will ever, go through.

I quickly picked up my light school bag and ran out of the class room, desperate to leave and spend as much time as I could with the people I was about to leave. Running down the packed corridors of the grand school, getting shouts from people the were all somewhere along the lines of 'good luck, Alina' 'I'll miss you, Alina' 'hope you enjoy it at Hogwarts, Alina'. Replying with a polite 'thank you' and 'I'll miss you too' where necessary.

Today is my last day at Beauxbatons before I leave and go to Hogwarts - another wizarding school in a completely different country. So, obviously, I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with the few freinds that I have.

As I reached the almost empty green fields of the school, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my foot. I managed to fall off my broom and sprain my ankle during a quidditch match over the holidays. The school doctor said that I should come and see her if it was to hurt again, but that most definitely was not happening now.

I did a quick check to make sure that my ankle hadn't been majorly damaged from going over on it and the continued making my way over, instead walking to reduce the chances of hurting myself again. I may have been lucky this time but that doesn't mean I will be again.

By the time I got halfway to where I was supposed to be, the shooting pain in my ankle struck again, this time I just chose to completely ignore it.

After reassuring myself that it was nothing, I then began to make my way over to the flowering blackthorn tree. Before I even made it all the way over, I was greeted my freinds, running to give me bone-crushing hugs.

"I'm sorry Alina but I refuse to let you go!" Maya literally shouted in my ear, causing a ringing sound to start inside my head.

"Well, I'm sorry, but you will have to eventually." I replied, choosing not to bring up that she needs to calm down.

"I agree with Maya, Alina. You're never going to leave." Danielle chimed in.

"Yeah, sorry but they're right. Its just not going to happen." Fleur agreed.

"At least let me go so I can breath!" I jokingly pleaded and eventually they let me go as we started to walk over -arms linked- to the grand blackthorn tree.

"I'm going to miss you idiots, you know that?" I stated as I stopped to give them all a look of sincerity.

"Well I'm not going to miss you." Maya exclaimed jokingly as we all laughed at her remark.

"Because, Merlin forbid, we actually have a serious moment together." Danielle responded.

"Oh well, we might as well enjoy our existence while we are able to live it." I chimed in.

"Fair enough." Danielle admitted.

After a minute, we finally got there. We sat down against the large trunk of the tree, hiding in the shade it provided during such burning summers. We just talked for what seemed like hours on end, all of us feeling extremely nostalgic from discussing our happiest, funniest and most embarrassing memories. As we continued to talk, a few tears were shed from everyone, but me, I wasn't exactly someone prone to extreme emotions.

Before we knew it, the bell rang throughout the school grounds signalling that it was time to leave. We all grabbed our bags and made our way over to the entrance hall where I had agreed to meet Madame Maxime, our Headmistress. Maya, Fleur and Danielle had been granted permission to miss as much of their next lessons as necessary, we took this and used at as an advantage by walking as slow as we possibly could without getting there suspiciously late.

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