Chapter 10

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Clary's P.o.v

As I get out the portal, Jace, about 10 inches form me, comes over and takes my hand as we walk to the door.

Luke' house.

I gulp as we near the door, and slowly open it. Then I see him. He fell asleep on the couch, watching the news.

I smile at the thought of when I was over her, and caught him sleeping.

Turning away form Luke, Jace pulls me into a hug.

"You okay?" He asks me, and I shake my head no. How could I be? My dad Valentine (who never acted like a real father), Luke (who was a father figure in my life), a shocked mother, and Jonathan. When I look at Jonathan, I can't help but see Sebastian, the man who tried to rape me, and was my brother at the time.

I know how I reacted to him he he became Jonathan, but I don't I can forgive him or my father, or at least not yet.

"It's okay, I know." Jace says, and then I remember my mother and what states she's in and then how Valentine and Luke will be, but I need to tell Jace.

"Jace." I wisper, and he looks at me, "uh-huh" He wispers back.
"Valentine, when he had the demon blood, raped my mom." I tell him, and he looks pained, even if they don't get along my mother and Jace will care for each other.

"And... she's pregnant." I say, then he really looks pained, and the look in his eyes, I know we're both thinking about Sebastian. It's like, he can never leave our minds.

"Can we talk tomorrow, I need to sleep, drawing the portal took a lot of energy out of me." I say, tried. He nods, but then says something "Do I have to get my own room?" He says.

I shake my head "No." Not caring what my mother might say, only caring about Jace.

"Okay, let's go." He says, holding my hands, and we do.

When we get in my room, Jace and I have no clothes, just get on the single bed, and sleep, with his arms on my waist and mine on his neck.

**Time Skip**

Jace's P.o.v

I wake up to my beautiful girlfriend in my arms, and her arms around my neck.

I stare at her because, she's like an angel, something every one wants but can never have. Except, I do. I have my angel.

Her red hair, knotted and tangled, but still perfect, and her beautiful emerald eyes calmly shut. I smile at the look of her.

Then she starts to wake up. She lifts her head up, and smiles at me.

"Good morning, miss." I say.

"Good morning, mr." She responds, and then giggles. I love her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her hair, everything.

"Thank you." She says. Why would she say that? I question. "By they way, you said that out loud earlier." She giggles again, and I start to blush.

"Did the famous Jace Herondale blush?" She giggles. And this makes me blush more.

"I love you." I tell her.

"I love you too." She tells me.

"Would you like to get breakfast?" I ask her, and she nods yes, so we walk down hand in hand.

Lukes's P.o.v

I wake up on the couch, with the TV off. I thought I fell asleep while it was gone, huh.

'Well I should go get breakfast' I thought. As I'm walking to the kitchen, I hear talking. The voices sounded like Clary and Jace!?

How could they be here? We're's Jocelyn? I stay around the door, trying to listen to what there saying.

"How will Luke react?" A concern Clary asks.

"I don't know." Replies a nervous Jace.
What's going on?

"Good morning, Clary." I tell my step daughter, well my only and favourite daughter as I step into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh!" Cries Clary as she jumps in my arms, having me have to step to regain my balance.

"I missed you." She said crying. "I missed you too." I tell her.

"Can I talk to Jace." I say awkwardly as we pull away from the hug with Clary.

"Uh, yeah." Jace replies, and gives Clary a kiss on her cheek. I give him the death glare that says 'not in front of me' and we all laugh as Jace walks towards me as I lead him out of the kitchen.

"What's up?" Jace asks.

"What we're you and Clary talking about earlier?" I ask.

"Uh, please don't kill me Jocelyn and Clary. " Jace muttered. "Well Valentine, when he got Jocelyn, he raped her, and she's pregnant. And apparently, since you and her had this angel blood, she used it on Valentine and Jonathan, and there sort of here now." He speeds up at the end.

Jocelyn's pregnant!?!??! With Valentine! Agian! Does Jocelyn still love me? What will I have to do with Valentine and Jonathan?

"Okay, thank you." I tell Jace and I go to my room, hoping Jocelyn's there.

Thankfully, she is. She's sleeping on her side with her arm under her head and one of her side with the blanket up to her face.

I smile at the sight of my beautiful fiance. And how at least she's safe.

Clary's P.o.v

Jace comes back in the room and pulls me in his arms.

"What did you talk about?" I ask him.

"He asked what we were talking about in her, and I'm sorry, I told him." Jace says, as much as I would be mad, I can't. I'm too tried and hungry.

"Okay. What do you want to eat?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Toast?" He asks, and I laugh at him.

"Okay." I say and get us both some toast.

When it's done, I get it and go back to Jace. I also go to the refrigerator and get us grape and strawberry jelly, and go get a knife.

I set it down, and Jace kisses my cheek. We've been kissing a lot more now, than we've been before, not that I'm complaining.

We start to eat, and all I could think about was a perfect future with Jace and a family we could make.

The Mortal instruments: City Of Lost SoulsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin