Day 3: This Food Sucks

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Justin and I took turns hitting the buttons on our beds so the nurses would rush in. When they came running in we'd both pretend to be sleeping and it worked until i went into an extreme laughing fit as the nurse was leaving. She was very angry and we both apologized. She was so shocked to hear Justin talk so immediately stopped being mad and smiled and told us it's ok just don't do it again. We promised we won't and she left.

Me: Dude how great was that?!? ( I smiled )

(the nurses walked in with our dinners before he could respond)

Me: (poking the soupy mashed potatoes and rubbery chicken) Dude this food sucks...

Justin: (making an awkward face) I know watch this!

He then threw the chicken at the floor next to him and it bounced back up to him! I laughed so hard tears streamed down my face. We had created bouncy balls out of our chicken until the doctor walked in and caught us... He took our dinner away and once again we both had to apologize. But the doctor heard Justin talk and just like the nurse started to smile brightly. But as he tried to make Justin talk more he was unsuccessful and started scowling again... Whatever its cool.

The rest of our night was spent watching cartoons and telling ghost stories in the dark until we were to tired to speak.. The days here just kept getting better and i could tell that we were both actually enjoying our time here. I found myself asking for time to slow down so I could stay with my new best friend longer...

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