Darkness Dystopia

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Soft moonbeams eclipsed by rolling clouds;

When spiders writhe and sepents slither.

When blinding mist smears the peak in sight,

That's how you know I am here.

Bulging eyes glare like demons in dark;

Grass's green drained by a crisp cold frost.

When silence lingers in the trees,

That's how you know that I watch.

When misery coils around the wood,

A silence that smothers pierces the night.

Sunshine since flaked; come colossal clouds;

That's how you know that I wait.

When roses bleed their poison red,

When roguish ravens circle the dead,

The last gleaming star flickers and fades;

That's how you know: I have won.

Darkness DystopiaWhere stories live. Discover now