So Close

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The adrenaline coursing through my blood pumps faster and faster the harder I push.

I'm running without my wolf. My wolf had always been very withdrawn, she was weak, the lack of food and the fact that we're the runt prevents her from being strong, physically.

The moment the hateful words left the lips of the future Alpha to be, she has been at the back of my mind withdrawn from reality.

Ignoring her I add a burst of speed when I hear leaves breaking on the forest floor behind me. I'm getting close, that I know, the trees are thickening, the ground beneath me becoming softer and more earthy.

I know what to look for, the 'Tree of Life'. It doesn't have any magic powers, despite what the name implies, no it was just named that decades ago due to it humongous size. The trunk was so thick you would probably need about 30 people standing around it to fully surround it. It wasn't the tallest tree though, rather its branches stretched out, "good for climbing," I'd heard kids say to each other.

50 metres.
40 metres.
30 metres. I'm slowing down. The pack getting nearer.
20 metres.
15 metres. So close.
5 metres. A few more steps.
2 met- a heavy weight hits me on my side. The same side my ribs are injured. Curling myself inwards slightly, I braise for impact.

Pain explodes in my back, the air leaving my lungs on impact. Before I can catch my breath I'm flipped so my back is more securely on the ground beneath me, my shoulders pinned by two hands, each the size of my face easily.

I look up to see none other than James, a feral look in his eyes, a snarl marring his perfect features. I can't help but feel intimidated by the man above me- maybe even fear. My wolf starts whining loudly, and it takes everything not to let the sounds pass through my lips.

James smirks and my pathetic attempts of wiggling out from underneath him.
"Try all you like, mutt, you won't get away- ever. I'll make you wish you were never born." He muttered so lowly that only I would hear him.

Glaring up at him I sneer in response, "I already do." Upon hearing this James responds with a dark chuckle and a lifted eyebrow. His face the picture of sadistic amusement.

A rustle comes from behind him, and when he looks over his shoulder to check it out, I bring my knee up as hard as I can, making contact with a place I know will hurt.

I roll onto my hands and knees as fast as I physically can, my ribs screaming in protest, my arm locking. As quickly as I can I scramble the last few metres into the next territory. Ready to get up and bolt when a hand grabs my ankle and yanks me down.

The last thing I see before my head hits the ground with a crack and I black out is the triumphant grin of James, who still has one hand cupped in this personal zone, his hand wrapped around my ankle. Only his hand passing the pack's territory line.

My last thought before unconsciousness takes hold is, 'I was so close.'


A/N: Second chapter in 24 hours. I do apologise for any spelling errors or tense changes I might've missed. Also, I plan on writing the next chapter in the POV of a male character. Just an FYI, I'm a 15 year old GIRL, please forgive me in advance for any errors I make in thinking patterns and vocabulary choices.

Your truly, Meghan ❤️

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