The cabin

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(Pic of Ian)

"Okay we're here" Luke says

"Mm looks nice"

"Let's put our things inside, I'm hungry" Ian says

I start to hear something

It sounds like if someone was walking on leafs

"Hey guys do u hear that?" Once I said that the notice stops

"What?" Lucks asks

"I thought I heard something"

"How did it sound like?" Ian asks

"Like someone walking on leafs"

"I'm pretty it was nothing" Ian says

"Yeah it could have been just an animal" Luke says

They go inside I'm pretty sure I heard something and it didn't sound like a animal could make it sound that loud man I'm losing my mind

"Let's get started" Luke says while opening bottles of beer and hand Ian and I one

Hours have past we've been telling each other stories about when we were little about our life in high school

"Okay what movie should we watch Mama or Insidious?" Luke asks

"Really a horror movie"

"Aw Dakotas 24 and still scared of watching a scary movie" Ian says

"Shut up"

We decide to watch mama and yeah I'm so going to have nightmares

We head to bed I take a shower

I head to my closet when I'm done

I'm grabbing my boxers when I start to feel a cold breeze

I turn my head and see that the window is open I don't remember opening it

I go and close it

Maybe it was just Ian or Luke I start to fall asleep

I wake up the window is open again

"What the fuck "

I get up and close it and head back to my bed

I wake up again it's cold again

I see the window it's open AGAIN what the fuck

I start hearing something dawn stairs

But I'm to tired to go a check it out and close the window so I fall asleep

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