Chapter 1~ What is this feeling?

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First fanfic ever, and I mean EVER. sorry about the really slow progress of the story (shonen-ai-ish), enjoy~

-I don't own anything except for the plot of this fanfic-

In three day's time it would be time to fight once again. Mankind has finally created the technology to fix the hole in Wall Maria. As the Scouting Legion, only we have the bravery to step beyond Wall Rose as we fix Wall Maria. Afterwards, we must clear all the remaining titans between Walls Maria and Rose. This will be the biggest victory yet against titans. We will need to be physically, mentally, and emotionally at our best to ensure victory. That is where the problem comes in. Physically, I am strong. I am Eren Jaeger,  rank 5 of my graduating class. As an instructor once said, I also 'possess an exceptional sense of purpose'. My mentality is stronger than any of those my age. However, my emotions are so deranged that I don't understand them myself. I must fix this before we set to fight.

 This problem arose when I first met Corporal Rivaille. As a child, I've only been able to admire him from a distance. While regaining control of Trost District, I fell out of my titan form, and Rivaille was the one who saved me. It was all like a dream. Furthermore, he was the one that let me into the Scouting Legion, which was my lifelong goal…though I did get kicked a lot along the way. I had nothing but respect for him all my life, but now, I feel different. It's a feeling much stronger than respect. Love? Maybe Corporal is like a brother to me…

 "Oi, brat, if you have time to sit around having dirty thoughts, why don't you practice your 3D maneuver or something?" Corporal Rivaille broke in, giving me a good kick to the back

 "S-sir!" I stood up, saluting him, " I wasn't having any v-vulgar thoughts!"

 "Oh?" Rivaille questioned, cracking a slight smirk and raising a brow, "How would you explain that goofy smile and your completely flushed face earlier? Who were you thinking about?"

 Now I REALLY blushed. I couldn't say that I was thinking of him! Hell, why would I go red thinking about my senior?!

"I'm waiting" Rivaille said, leaning closer. I could feel his warm breath on my face and his voice sounded almost…seductive. whaaaa?!?! What's wrong with me? How can I be attracted to a man's voice? My senior no less! I quickly averted my gaze from his, only to find out that the lunch room was empty other than the two of us. The thought of us being this close, alone made me more nervous.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Jaeger."

 I locked my eyes to his once again. On the outside, I was perfectly still, as a perfect solider should be. Inside, I was petrified. Too scared to make a move.

 "When do you plan on answering my question?" Rivaille questioned, now with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

 "I wasn't thinking about anyone particularly, sir" I say, trying to keep a calm voice

 "Don't lie to me!"


 "To be honest… I was thinking about you, Corporal Rivaille."

 "And what about me specifically?"

 "W-well… er…" I took a deep breath and held it. The corporal was mere centimeters away from me. "I had always respected you all my life, and I'm not sure how I feel about you now. I feel-"

 "You lost respect for me?" Rivaille cut in, with obvious anger in his voice


 "What is it then?!" Rivaille raised his voice.

 I've never seen the corporal get this shaken up before. Regaining my composure, I answered firmly

 "I feel something exceeding respect, and I am troubled by not knowing exactly what it is." I replied swiftly "…sir"

Just then, I saw something breathtaking. Corporal Rivaille's expression softened, then he smiled. The Lance Corporal…actually smiling. There was kindness in his eyes, that was always missing. It was alluring. I secretly wished that I could see that smile forever. I wanted to keep it, all to myself. Realizing what I was thinking, I shook that thought out of my head. Only Rivaille was capable of stirring my emotions like that. Just then, Rivaille broke the silence.

 "Do you like me, Jaeger?" He whispered into my ear softly.

 "Yes sir." I reply, shivering at his breath on my ear.

 "That's pleasing to know."

Suddenly, Corporal Rivaille grabbed my chin softly and pressed his lips on my own. Before I could think, I closed my eyes and started kissing back. It was such a sweet pleasure. He nibbled on my bottom lip and gently sucked on it. Then I felt his tongue run across my lip. On impulse, I opened my mouth slightly, as his tongue made its way to my own. Never having experienced this, I didn't know what to do. I let his tongue guide me, as I tried to mimic his movements. It was warm, sweet, and just plain blissful. Slowly, Rivaille pulled away from the kiss, leaving me unsatisfied with this mere amount of pleasure.

He looked at me, as my face reddened again. With a small smile, he started walking away.

"I'm sorry" he said, not turning back. The door shut, leaving me paralyzed in place. I wanted to chase him, hug him and tell him that I love him, but something about his smile was saddening. The air around him kept me from running after him. With a shaky hand, I ran my fingers over the lips that had just kissed the corporal. With these actions, I realized that I was in love with Corporal Rivaille. That explains my unfamiliar feelings, but left a greater problem. How am I supposed to settle this?! I need to settle this in three days time, and that means fast.


Though, English is my worst subject, I want to continue this, I hope you can tell me how to improve it! This was more shonen-ai so far...too slow (for now). I totally ship Ereri~

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