Chapter Fourteen:

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"Today, we're going to tell you about Snatchers. They're dangerous and they're hunting for anyone deemed 'Undesirable' by You-Know-Who and the Ministry. They're paid to catch you and bring you in so that you can be put to death. If you even for a moment think you're being hunted by a Snatcher we urge you to seek shelter and do not stop running," River said, his voice echoing through the Room of Requirment, the solomn tones sobering all of us who had been having a good time until we'd switched on the radio.

"A list of some of the most Undesirable include Harry Potter, Amaryllis Potter, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, all members of the Order of the Phoenix and all muggle sympathizers, not to mention any muggleborn who is currently on the run."

"Good thing we're not Undesirables, eh, River? We've both had loads of girlfriends!" I laughed at Fred's joke despite hearing my name on the second spot of Undesirables, because I wasn't particularly worried about it. I knew the Carrow's wanted me alive, they thought I showed all the students what they were capable of doing, they thought I made the students more terrified of the professors while in truth I gave the students more of a reason to fight. They'd made me a martyr even without killing me.

"We urge all of you to no longer partake in uttering You-Know-Who's name as well, those who do are also being hunted down as there is now a taboo curse placed on his name. Please be safe, be smart. We'll see you next week on Potterwatch, the password will be Phoenix."

I looked up from the radio, noticing all eyes were on me and without a word I picked up the radio off of the table and moved to place it back on the shelf where it went. I dropped it, smiling as Ginny caught it and put it up for me.

"I need all sixth and seventh years to stay behind please, i have something to speak to all of you about," Neville called out as the students slowly moved into groups so that we could begin the filing-out process. All the older students came over to us and though I had no idea what he wanted to speak about, I knew it would be important otherwise he wouldn't need so many students.

Once the younger years were out, we all sat on the floor as Neville told us about Nicholas Davies, whose name I recognized for being a member of our small army. He had been caught doing something rather inconsequential but instead of a small detention he had been chained up in the dungeons under Alecto's jurisdiction. He needed a couple of volunteers to help save Nick.

My hand shot up nearly immediately, surprising me more than anyone else, but perhaps that was because I knew what it was like to be tortured by them and I couldn't stand the thought of an eleven year old having to go through something so terrible as that. Even more surprising was Michael Corner's hand in the air while Ginny's wasn't though I think she believed she would automatically be included in the plans.

"Michael, Ginny, Amy and I it is then. The rest of you can leave, thank you," Neville dismissed quickly, his thoughts already on making plan to save the poor boy. "So, two of need to be the distraction to get Alecto out of the dungeons, the other two can go in and help Nicholas. "

"Neville, you and I should do the distracting, we're more likely to get caught than they will be. I have some Peruvian Darkness powder as well, a bit for each group so that if they run into trouble, they can use it and hopefully can make it out all right."

Nodding, we set about making the plan better, trying to prepare for every outcome.


It was nearly two hours later before we commenced with the SAVE NICK plan. We four snuck through the corridors, practically moving at a snails pace for fear that we would come across a professor or Filch and they would send us back to our dorms.

In Michael's hand was held our darkness powder, fear that I might drop it due to my hand-issues on the forefront of Ginny's mind as she handed it to him. She hugged me as we made it to the entrance of the dungeons, beyond which lied actual dungeons not to mention the Slytherin common room and dorms.

"You two will go to the other side of the dorms, we're going to cause the distraction.. the moment you see her turn our corner towards us, you need to rush in there, find the key and release Nick then get out as quickly as you possibly can. Do not stop, we can give you maybe three to four minutes, we'll try for longer however but don't assume you have any longer than three," Neville told us, leading us as a group really well, showing off his leadership skills and his bravery as he put himself in danger of a detention with the Carrow's just to save a young boy that he barely knew.

Michael and I quickly made our way through the corridors and to the opposite side of the dungeons, within moments we heard a loud BANG, causing me to jump because even though I knew they planned a distraction, I didn't realize it was going to be quite so loud.

Nearly immediately the door was opening and Alecto was rushing out, her eyes wide in her chubby, square face as she barreled down the corridor towards the noise and away from us. I ran into the room before Michael, letting my eyes sweep the various empty torture devices before I could see a small, recognizable blonde haired boy strung up on a cross much like the Catholics depected Jesus to be. Though he was strung up by chains with various bruising and scars along his nearly-naked body. Michael found the key within a minute, his hands shaking as he moved to unlock Nick from the chains. The moment the boy was down, I took the key from Michael Corner in order to place it back where it belonged so that perhaps she wouldn't immediately realized that someone else had released the boy.

At the worst possible timing my hand jerked and I dropped the key, nervously I picked it back up only to drop it again a few steps later. I knew it was only worse because I was so scared at the moment and I was working under stress as my tremor always became worse under duress but that moment truly had been the most unfortunate time for it to happen. I picked it up once more, placing it on the desk haphazardly before moving to rush out of the room only to slam into a rather sturdy body.

Michael and Nicholas were gone and with them was the darkness powder that was supposed to save me should something like this happen, because of course, it was my luck, that Alecto Carrow was done being distracted.

"I thought you had enough of me during our Forgiveable Curses class but it seems you are just a glutton for torture and punishment," she smiled too widely, giving her a rather similar appearance to Umbridge. I glared at her before hurrying to remove my wand from my pocket because I wouldn't just stand by and let her torture me all over again. I could protect myself, I could do to her what I promised myself I would do.

Her hand slammed into my face causing me to drop my wand before I could even lift it towards her and she was leaning down to snatch it off the floor with a large grin on her face. "You won't be needing this until class tomorrow morning, no worries," she spoke as her hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me over to the cross we had just helped little eleven year old Nicholas Davies from.

"Don't struggle, girl, you're lucky you're more entertaining alive than you are dead or else you'd have been killed the moment you stepped foot back onto Hogwarts property."

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