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I sat at my spot during free time doing work from the previous classes since I don't have my friends and boyfriend in this class. I'm so glad that I'm now placed at this abandoned table in the corner of the library; away from the attention from the jocks. I can now work in peace, along with blending in with the walls.

The new guy walks through the glass doors and every single eye landed on him."Aye emo kid!" one jock shouts, causing the whole library to erupt into laughter. The librarian ordered us to be quiet and had a small talk with the new guy.

He starts heading to my table. Anxiety flourished through my body as I look at my paper to continue on the work as usual.

"I guess you are stuck with me now," his voice inform as he sits down in the cushion chair.

I am way too nervous to look at him since I would say something stupid and have him laugh at me. All I did was nod at his response.

"You're from English, right?"

I nod, then start feeling bad that my anxiety is making me look like a jerk.

"Do you even talk?"

Again, I nod at his response and continued with my work."Then why don't you talk?" he asks.

I look up again, my cheeks automatically flourish to a light shade of red. I have to admit, he's attractive; I mean—really attractive."Why are you asking a lot of questions?"I quietly yet casually ask.

He smirks at my response and my cheeks burn to a deeper shade of red."Why wouldn't I? I'm new here."

"Uh—I totally forgot your name....."

"Luke Hemmings," he retorts with a smile. He reaches his hand out for me to shake, I went to shake it.

I could hear some jocks snickering at us. I sigh in sadness since there's going to make fun of Luke."What are you sighing about?" his voice distracted me from my thinking.

"The jocks, I know that they're going to label you or call you names. But just don't believe them,"

"I don't even give a fuck about what they say. I don't even care if they call me 'emo' since I have piercings and tattoos. They can suck my ass." he scoffs. I nearly choke on air when he said the last part.

"What, are you innocent?" he smirks at me. Holy fuck why does he look mighty fine when he smirks at me?

"No...."I scoff at him, which I actually am innocent—I curse now and then.

"Ah sure you're not." he smiles at me. That smile.....it can melt anyone's heart.

"So....where are you from?"I casually ask, wanting to know a little bit about him. I shut my workbook since I'm finished with it until tomorrow.

"Sydney, my hometown. Born and raised there," he responds while rocking on the cushion chair.

"Why did you move here?"

He didn't answer the question right away; he just shrugs in response. Great, I reached someone's breaking point. Nice job Ashton! The awkward silence fell between us as I awkwardly went to work on the chemistry homework that I forgot to do last night.

I bit my bottom lip in concentration since I'm not excellent at this class and I want to pass it. I went to take a quick glimpse of Luke to see what he was doing, but we end up making an awkward eye contact while he was biting his lip ring.

"So...I noticed that you are dating a guy...." he awkwardly informs me out of the blues.

"Yeah...."I nod while looking at my paper."Have a problem with that?"

"No..I noticed it yesterday during lunch. A guy was holding your hand."

"Ah," I nod." and did you find your clique at lunch?"

"Yeah...I sit not far from you and what the hell is a 'clique'?" he asked with a questioning look plastered on his face.

"In a short way, 'clique' is a group of people that share the same interest as you."I inform him; trust me, we had cliques since year seven.

"They offered me to sit there, I don't even know if I share anything in common with them." he shrugs.

I nod since I can understand what he's coming from."What's your boyfriend's name?" he asks.

"Micah Flynn,"I tell him before finishing up on my work.

He grunt in response but before I could ask why he did that, the bell ring and he starts heading to the cafeteria.

I took my time to get there and happily sat with Nona and Helene as Micah was in line.
Every time I think about Micah, I get this weird feeling in my stomach and it's not a good one; I don't know why.

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