Chapter One

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A/N: Hey, so I haven't delved into fanfiction writings for a while, but seriously, who can resist Keveridge? I had a lot of fun writing this first chapter- if you guys like it, let me know and I'll continue posting :3 

Chapter One

It was raining. Hard, grey rain that soaked through the expensive, black fabric of Laurence’s brand new school blazer and stung his skin with injustice. He wanted to turn tail and run, but somehow he was still walking, shaky footsteps dodging the puddles, until the peeling grey doors were right in front of him and his heart was thudding hotly under his freshly ironed shirt.

He stopped, clutching his alphabetically-organised books to his chest for comfort and swallowing with difficulty. The rain continued to fall around him, hitting his shoulders and plastering his black hair to his skin as he watched the students beyond the grimy glass doors with increasing anxiety. They couldn’t have been further away from the neat, academic students he was used to. They were unknown and scary, with their undone ties and raucous laughter, the lack of order and unity. Laurence stood in the rain, waiting until the last few straggling students had ebbed away to registration before taking a deep breath, clutching his books more firmly to his chest, and pushing the main doors.

It took him a couple of seconds to realise the reason they weren’t opening was because they were meant to be pulled, and, flushing with humiliation, he stumbled inside, out of the bitter rain. Instantly, the airless warmth of the corridor and the smell of cheap disinfectant from the waxy floors assaulted Laurence’s senses, and the nerves knotted in the pit of his stomach writhed more fiercely. Trembling slightly, Laurence ducked behind his damp ebony hair and started uncertainly along the corridor, wondering where to go.

From watching the hustle and bustle of it mere moments ago, the corridor was now uncomfortably silent, and it made Laurence uneasy as his regulation shoes squeaked along the grungy floors, heart-rate increasing with every step. After a couple of corridors had opened into nothing more helpful, he stopped, brow furrowed with anxiety as he looked around, desperately trying to find his bearings.

“Hey, you alright?”

The voice made Laurence jump and stumble as he looked round to a small, mousy-haired boy looking expectantly at him. He was wearing a bobble hat and a pair of grey skinny jeans. He didn’t look particularly scary.

“Um,” Laurence cleared his throat nervously, swallowing. “Sorry, but do you know where the school office is?”

“Sure,” the boy smiled encouragingly. “Are you new or something?”

Shyly, Laurence nodded, clutching his books more closely to his chest for comfort.

“No wonder you look so lost! Mind you, I’ve been here all four years and I still get lost sometimes. I’m Drew, by the way. What’s your name?” the small boy gestured for Laurence to follow him down the corridor, his smile reassuringly friendly.

“I-Laurence,” Laurence stammered, stumbling slightly to keep up.

“I-Laurence? Like an iPod or an iPhone? Cool.” The boy-  Drew- grinned cheekily, hitching his stripy schoolbag more securely onto his back.

Laurence flushed, not sure whether he was being laughed at or not- but the boy didn’t seem malicious.

“So, how old are you?” Drew asked after a few moments as they turned into yet another corridor. He looked questioningly at Laurence, who shifted uncomfortably under the attention and looked down at his feet squeaking along the chewing-gum speckled floor.

“Sixteen,” he replied quietly.

“Oh cool, you’ll be in my year, then,” Drew announced, sounding genuinely pleased about it. “Knowing me won’t do you any favours, though. I’m not exactly- uh- well liked around here.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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