Chapter 8

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Hey!! So... Idk if I should continue this because it doesn't seem like a bunch of people are reading/ enjoying it, so if you are and think I should continue it, please give this chapter a like or even comment :)

-Nikki xx

Of course after many phone calls, and texts, and miscommunication, I finally successfully planned something.

"So we're going bowling?" Dakota asks slowly on the other line.

"For the last time, bowling, tonight."

I hear someone on the other line and sigh, "hold that thought."

I hit the flash button, "hello?"

Mason's voice is quiet and slow on the other side, "are you sure you want me to come? This is a double date, I wouldn't want to be intruding."

I smile and fall back on my bed, "Mason, you would never intrude! It wouldn't be the same without you, you know that!"

He takes a deep breath, as if he's thinking, but somewhat relieved, "okay then. I'll see you tonight."


It's quiet between us and I laugh, "bye Mason."

He gives a short laugh, and I can just imagine him grinning big, "see ya Casey."

I hit the flash button again and I'm back with Dakota, "okay back."

"Okay, so bowling."

I close my eyes and face palm. This is going to take longer than I thought.

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I get a text, signaling that Ashton's here and quickly slip on my black and pink Adidas high tops. I lock up behind me, knowing nobody is home to lock the door, and shove my keys into my purse that slings around my shoulder.

I look up to see Ashton waiting by his car, smiling as I approach him.


I nod, and he opens the car door, shutting it behind me.

I take a deep breath and buckle the seat belt as he slides into the driver seat, "do we have to pick up anyone else?"

I shake my head as he starts the engine, "I'm pretty sure Justin's driving Dakota and Mason's driving his own car."

He shakes his head smiling and pull onto the road.

"What?" I chuckle, wondering what's going on in that brain of his.

He glances over at me and back at the road, "nothing, it's just, Mason's not gonna bring a date?"

I scoff quietly and look down at my shoes, "I don't understand why girls won't go out with him."

He lets out a loud laugh. Okay, more of like a loud "ha", and shifts in his seat, turning the corner.

"What was that 'ha' for?" I say, getting defensive over my friend.

"I can think of at least two reasons off the top of my head."

I cross my arms over my chest and let out a huff, "is that so?"

He looks over, seeing how upset I'm getting and reaches one hand over to pat my thigh, "Hey, don't get so worked up. I'm just saying, maybe you and Dakota need to give him a little space."

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