Chapter 21

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My head hit the bed with a thud, through the deafening silence in the room I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, just breath, I had to remind myself that over and over.

What the hell was up with Garrett and his uncomfortable mood?, maybe he's on that stuff it would explain a lot and to he's a doctor so he has full access to those kind of things….. I wonder what hospital he works in. Maybe he told me and it slipped me.

“Annaliese”. I heard my mother knocking on my bedroom door, does she not see it's one in the morning?.

I pushed off the bed and I regretted it instantly.

“ Mom?, really”.

“Sorry to wake you sweetheart but Alex is here to you he says it's important”.

I turned and looked at the bed then back at her, am I still sleeping? What the hell is he doing here at this hour and the fact that my mother looked more eager than me that he was here was weird.

When I got to the door I took a deep breath feeling a nervous stir in my belly, deep breaths. Opening the door to reveal a disheveled Joey and Alex who was leaning on his door. Our eyes met briefly before he looked away.

“Since you ain't the pizza delivery guy then you better have a good reason for waking me”.

A half sided grin spread on his face but there was some seriousness to this there was something on the tip of his lips just waiting to give off. But instead of answering my question they barged into my apartment like they were the freaking cops.

Joey made his way to the kitchen and started opening the fridge pulling out things to make a sandwich. I could feel Alex's eyes on the side of my head and I decided not to look at him, he doesn't deserve a greeting only silence.

“Joey you gonna answer me?”.

He paused mid way on a bite and exchanged glances with his stoic brother before looking back at me.

“Think you should sit down for this”.

I raised my eyebrows feeling my heartbeat pick it up a notch. More bad news?, just great!.

“I'll stand thank you so just spit it out”.

“ The sandwich or the news?”.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Don't mess with me right now I'm not in the mood”.

“ Alright, Alright, here's the deal you remember that judge my brother was boning?”.

Confused I shot Alex a look. “Isn't she dead?”.

“ Yes”. He said almost lazily, he shoved his hand in his leather jacket and pulled out a box a cigarette.

“Hey!, this isn't your house unless you didn't notice there's no smoking in here so do us a favor and stick it right up your —

“ Getting pretty worked up over a cigarette don't you think doll face?”.

I gritted my teeth at that stupid nickname. “Joey did you have to bring him with you?, I can't stand to look at his face”.

“You can't stand to look at me?”. He let out a laugh that sounded way to psychotic before he snapped. “You know you're a real piece of work doll face, you know just what to do to fuck with my head”.

“ What?”.

“Don't play the dumb role it doesn't suite you, you knew you were fucking pregnant this whole time and thought it'd be fucking hilarious to tell me when it was dead!”. He shouted, Joey came over and stood between us.

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