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Millions of people were in this mall. Millions. But it seemed to Nina that she was only attracting middle aged women with muffin tops and bad wigs. Not surprising considering that those were the only type of ladies up that time anyways.

It was about ten in the morning, Nina Holland was in the biggest mall in New York working. Her job that day was to sell a new product 'Miracle Hand Cream & Body Lotion outside of the Avon store on the second floor.

Management dressed her in a long gold halter dress that covered her silver open toed pumps and flattered her slim waist and slim curves nicely, a faux fur scarf, and a short curly blond wig. "Well that's good marketing for ya!", she thought. There's nothing like having to fake an accent, and along with that, who you are just to make a sale.

Nina didn't enjoy her job at all. She's thought about quitting a billion times and a billion times he never spoke up about it. Nina didn't like to raise her voice to her boss. That's probably one of the reasons she likes Nina so much. Always does what she's told to do. Any authority could boss her around. Nina only took the job because she was desperate for one when she moved to New York last year. Ever since then she's regretted it. But it was near Christmas, and that called for a Christmas bonus in the near future.

Nina picked a up a small jar of Miracle Hand Cream that was on the skinny coffee table next to where she stood and put on a bright face. "Sell it this time", she said to herself because the last hour hadn't been so successful. A kind looking older lady came up to her station with her granddaughter and gave her a warm smile. "Oh you're so gorgeous! That lotion must do wonders", the old woman said, swinging her cane. Nina handed her the lotion from off of the table with motions so animated. That bonus check felt heavy to her already.
"It does an awful good job, feel why don't cha!" Nina held out her hand for the two soon to be customers could feel her hand. Her job might not have been the most conventional way to sell, but the product did work.

The old woman grabbed a jar of the hand cream from the skinny table and pulled out her silver flip phone. "Go on Emily, stand next to...", she paused and looked up at Nina, not knowing her name. "Nina", Nina said in a breathy light voice. "And I'll take your picture", she continued. Emily, who was about six or seven stood next to her. Nina bent down a bit to reach her height and smiled. The old lady counted down from three and ten snapped the photo. "Oh! I wanna see", the little girl rushed over to her grandmother. "Where can I pay for this?". Nina directed her to the Avon store.

The woman and her granddaughter walked in. "You have a blessed day", she waved. Nina , in return, blew them a kiss just for the hell of it. Another happy customer, the first one in a long time for her. It seems like her Christmas bonus we going to be cut short. As soon as the two left Nina lost her smile and sat back in the chair next to the display table with the creams on it. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up.

It wasn't Nina's first choice to take this job. She just needed something to do to get money after college. That's if she would have went. It was too expensive so she skipped it and did her own studies. But of course nothing goes to plan and she ended up in Soho with this job with a no good social life.

Her only real best friend was Kareena Bayard. She knew Kareena since forever, any minute now she was going to come by and meet her for her lunch break. I began to roam the area. The section she worked was home and beauty. Across from her was a Bed Bath and Beyond, a little farther down held the home goods store and also Sephora was in that section.

After waiting about 30 more minutes and greeting customers and making sales. Kareena finally showed. "Hey-o oh my. Oh my gosh what are they making you wear?" Kareena was surprised at Nina's getup. Nina stuck out her tongue. " you're just mad". The two headed into the Avon store and walked into the back room. "I'm taking my lunch break now, Bret", she announced to her supervisor before going into the break room.

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