Chapter 14 (Part one)

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Chapter 14 (Part one)


The past week had gone by slowly without Morgan or Sian. My mind kept flitting to the feel of Morgan's lips and the feel of her body pressed against mine. I had mentally slapped myself so many times I swear I had several mental bruises. The uncertainty on her face when she had pulled my shirt off had brought me back from cloud nine, and I managed to stop myself before I did anything she didn't want me to. Every time I caught myself thinking of her, the uncertainty I had seen for a second in her eyes was there, and I felt disgusted with myself.

Finally the time had come to tour, and my mind would hopefully be occupied. We had just landed in America when Dan's phone started ringing. He got a goofy smile on his face that told me the caller was none other than Sian. He answered at once.

'Missing me already?' he asked, but as she spoke back to him his face fell. 'Babe, what's wrong?' he asked and plugged his free ear with his finger better to hear her. His face turned ghostly pale, and my thoughts went immediately out to Morgan. Was she alright? 'How? What happened?' he asked, and I knew something was wrong. I'd had a gnawing feeling all day, and now I was about to figure out why. 'Dear lord, Si, I don't know what to say.' he said, and looked at me with a pained expression. 'How is she?' he asked, and sat down on his luggage, rubbing his eyes. He then scratched his chin, and listened intently to the voice on the other end. 'I can't believe it, I'm so sorry.' he said, and my heart began to really pound.

'Is she hurt?' I asked, but he held his hand up to me, still listening to Sian.

'Okay, call me as soon as possible then.' he said and nodded and hummed several times. 'Yeah, speak tonight. And Si, I truly am sorry. Yeah. I love you too. Bye.' he ended the call and put his face in his hands. He finally looked at me with a grieved expression. 'Michael passed away this morning.' he said, and I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly. 'Morgan's brother died.' he said, and I bent over and leaned on my knees, breathing heavily. Her brother died, and I was on a different continent.

'What happened?' I finally asked, and sat down on my own suitcase.

'He had a brain bleed. There was nothing they could do.' Dan said, staring at the phone in his hand.

'I don't understand, he woke up, he was doing well.' I said, and gripped my hair.

'He suffered a massive blow to the head, Josh. The doctors told them it happens sometimes with head traumas, and in most of the cases the same thing that happened to Michael happens so suddenly there is nothing to be done. There was no way to foresee it was going to happen. No signs, no warning, no anything.' he said.

'I have to go back.' I said suddenly. 'I need to be with her.'

'This is a really difficult position to be in, but we have thousands of fans waiting to see us live these next five weeks, we can't just bail.' said Matt, and Max nodded. Chris remained silent.

'I know, but I can't bail on her either.' I said restlessly. Just the thought of how much she was hurting right now made me want to jump on the first plane and get to her as quickly as possible.

'Sian won't let us.' Dan said, and I stared at him in disbelief. 'She doesn't want us to disappoint all those kids waiting to see us live, and Morgan wouldn't want us to either.' he said, and I understood his point, but I was biased.

'We really can't go back, can we?' I asked defeated, my palms itching to leave at once, but a sinking feeling in my gut told me I had already decided. I knew, of course, that we couldn't cancel all those shows, it wasn't right to the fans who had payed to see us.

'No,' said Dan, and he seemed conflicted about it as well. Sian had lost Michael too and was sure to be hurting as well as Morgan, and I could tell that it bothered him. 'We'll do the shows as best as we can, and we'll be back in no time. We've played through worse.' Dan said, looking exhausted.

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