Blow away ( a George Harrison Love Story)

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Paul just get on the bus! "

I whined at my brother paul mccartney.

"Can we sit here pleaseeee??? "Paul begged with a pout on his face and guitar in his hand.

"Fine just dont embarass me like last time."

I'ma Beccy McCartney by the way as you've guessed it paul's sister. Ever since he got pally with that lad John Lennon he 's started acting stupid. And he lots his virginity because john told him to.

Suddenly paul burst out laughing and i turned round to see if anybody was watching him.

"Paul shutup!" I said and as we pulled to a stop and a very handsome lad got on the bus. He sat behind us. I recognised his hazel eyes. He was the one who lives down our street!

"Hi. "Said the lad

"Hallo sorry if your a but freaked out by my brother he's not normally like this. I'm beccy by the way." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it. Fortunetly he did.

"George. George harrison.

"Oh i've seen you down my street before do you live down there?"

"Yes i do just moved in from dingle though." By now paul was listening very close until he pressed the bell

"Paul where are ye going"

"To Johns i'll be home at 11 tell dad"

"fine see ye" He walked off the bus and ran down the street.

"Sit here if you like" said george.

" oh ta"

"well we need to get off here now." i said

"do you want me to walk you home?"

"if you don't mind i wouldn't want to be a pest"

We pressed the bell and he walk me home.

"so this is it."

"would you like to come out tomorrow?"

"yeah sure what time"

"I'll pick you up at 10."

"ok bye george"

"bye beccy"

Omg. I'm going on a date!! I started jumping up and down. Shit what will paul think?

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