Part 30

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We all start to look at the menu,once we've all decided what we want the waiter came over and took our order.we ordered some drinks,I was only on coke though that's the only bad thing about being pregnant. I couldn't drink and I loved to have a drink every now and then. Anyway we was sat waiting for the meal and out the corner of my eye I seem a group of girls looking over at us. They was either fans of the band,or they was just looking over because they recognised the boys. Within in the space of 5 minuets they came over asking for a picture with the boys and then one with me and Ryan. This was the first time we'd seen fans while I've been pregnant and since Ryan told them. I didn't know what to do, normally I wouldn't mind but this was different,or was it? I look at Ryan and he whispers in my ear it's up to you,don't do it if you want to. I looked at one off the girls and they smiled and that's when I realised that I recognised her of twitter, and that I've tweeted her a few time in the past. I look over at Ryan and nod .

Ryan..who wants a picture with me and Lydia then?

A few of the girls said yes,we started to take the picture and then our food comes.

Me..sorry that we couldn't get pictures with you all but if you give me your twitters ill try and follow you all

The girls.. Aww thank you's okay.

The girls give me a piece of paper and then let us have our meal which was nice off them considering some fans are so bitchey and rude with us sometimes. Anyway we carry on with the meal and its not long before we all finish.

Ryan..right guys we're going to get off we need to get a few last things for the twins, so I guess ill see you lads tomorrow?

Me..what's happening tomorrow?

Andy..FIFA day at your house lyd

Me..oh right is it now?

Ryan..I don't want you to on your own so I thought I'd bring the lads round to ours?

Me..I'm only messing course you can all come round,right see you tomorrow and Ella I'll see you later. Text me Hunni

Ella.. Will do, see you later Ryan.

Me and Ryan give Andy some money to pay for our part of the bill. We go and get into the car and drive to the tescos round the corner from us.we get to tesco and we both get out.

Ryan. What do we need then?

Me.We need,a bath tub,Cotten wool pads,baby lotion, baby shampoo. Dummies, new born nappies. A few more baby grows, bibs , bottles and a blanket each for when they come out of the hospital.

Ryan. I thought you said we only need a few things?

Me. We do... I've had to order loads while you've been away. Get a big trolley too.

Ryan gets a big trolley and we walk into tesco and to the baby part.

We're walking down the isles and I'm telling Ryan what to put in as he has no clue what's so ever.





Baby bath,check




Baby shampoo,check

Baby lotion,check

Cotten wool,check


Baby mittens,check

Me..right Ryan you can pick the baby grows and they both need a small teddy each.

Ryan walks over to the stand full of baby grows and picks up a pack of baby pink,pink and white baby grows and a pack of green,blue and light blue ones as well.

He puts them in the trolley and then walks over to the baby toys bit and sees a,little fluffy eeyore teddy and a little fluffy pooh teddy. He looks at me and I smile and nod

We're walking to the tills and I tell Ryan that ill be back in a second. I walk off to the beer section and get him 8 bottles of beer. I walk back to the till an put them on the till he looks at me and then kisses me.

Ryan.. They for me?

Me.. No there for me after these two are born.

Ryan.. What?

Me..I'm joking there for you and the lads tomorrow

Ryan..thanks baby

We pay for all the stuff and head back to the car.

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